Blonde perspectives

How come most people think if you dye your hair blonde you are fake. I want to dye my hair blonde b/c I think it will look nice not because I want to be ‘better than others’ and besides if you dye your hair brown rnt you doing it for the same reasons I wud be. So it looks good and is somethign new!

Answer #1

Well I don’t know I dont think your being fake cause its just like a blonde dying there hair brown.Its just for a change in look not to be something your not then you should do it dont care what haters think!!!

Answer #2

I dont see hte problem with darker eyebrows either! obviously if you had brown hair than came in with blonde hair it means you dyed it! it

Answer #3

I dont think if you dye your hair blonde your fake. You you should totally dye your hair blonde if thats what you want. But I dont know why some people think that.

Answer #4

usually people think your fake if your hair is blonde because a lot of people dye it platnum or an unnaturnal color blonde..I’ve dyed my hair many times and I always find it best to find a darker more champagin blonde or a more natural dirty blonde. that way it doesn’t look fake. But always make shure that the colors are able to match your eyebrows or else itll be a dead give away.(like those girls with playnum blonde hairand brown eyebrows)

Answer #5

You shouldnt care what other people think if your a “ Fake “ or not.. If you think that it would look nice then do it and have fun with it. Also if people make “ Blond Jokes” just laugh with them because it will probly look great and if you like it then thats all that matters and most of the time there pretty funny :)

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