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Blogger Question
how do I add a background to my blogger blog? I have the picture made and everything.
hello “ when a Monkey Don’t know what to do, he keep Jumping, and when Human Don’t know how to Answer he keep Saying stuffs with nosense. “
To add your Image as a Background, that Depend about the Template You use.. which Normaly you will need to put it on the HEADER of your Blog :
Go to Your Blogger Account, Click at Layout ==> Edit HTML ==> Check : Expend Template, the look for this Variable :
/ Header / #header-wrapper { background: #e8b url
Between the ( ) Put the URL of the Picture you want to use, you can upload it at :
tinypic.com or phptobucket.com and past the Direct Link of this Picture you want to use.
If you want to put the Picture as a Backgroud of the Whole Blog (which it’s not a good idea, will give a bad Look and will not Appear!! :
look for this :
body { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; text-align: center; color: #; background: # url ( )
and Put the Image URL
Stand up from the computer, do a little dance, sit back down. The pic is now your background.
I love it when posters make their original post anon but not their own responses.
The ‘kind of gay’ rule that simmo is referring to generally has to do with social networking sites that directly compete with FunAdvice (not Friendadvice, thanks). Those questions are removed out of hand. Blogger is not necessarily a social site, but the stock answer remains the same – If you have trouble with another website, contact their customer-service department. They will be better able to handle your request than we.
Simmo, please refrain from maligning an entire group of humanity just because you have a problem with the Terms of Use that you’ve already agreed to.
Lol. Sorry I think there’s some rule you can’t ask about non-friendadvice sites here or something like that, kind of gay I know.
Didn’t work. (Lol.)
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