Bleeding but Pregnant?

If you didn’t read my previous post, I pretty much said my boyfriend & I had safe sex but my period was late and I was concerned. Now, I am having my usual period like symptoms and bleeding but the flow is so, so light. Thats not usual for me. Does anyone know whats up? Or has anyone expierenced this? If so, please help me.

Answer #1

I know that you stated in your previous question that you and your boyfriend had safe sex, but, since you say that your periods are light, like I mentioned before, see your doctor. I’ve never experienced this before but, you need to take a pregnancy test. Good luck.

Answer #2

do a pregnancy test to be on the safe side. I know you used precautions but you never know. also, early miscarriage is often identified by dark bleeding with granually bits or small clots in it, plus severe cramps.

maybe your just having a light period? I have them, unfortuently, more often than not there the hardcore heavy kind grrr…

do a pregnancy test to check, if you are pregnant it could still be nothing but you should get it checked out. when the ovum attaches to the uterus lining (womb) some women do experiance ‘spotting’. also you need to wait at least 10 days after the suspected inpregnation intercourse to get an accurate result.

pregnancy test negative; may just be a normal light period, but always best to check with the doctor… moral of the story, if you’re worried speak to your GP…

I’m sure you’ll be fine x

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