How do you know when bleach is ready to come off?

Im doing my friends hair on cap for an assment and how do you know when to wash it off? can you see the development?

Answer #1

ALWAYS read the manufacturer’s instructions on the box/bottle. Every brand will be different. Usually bleach is left on for anything up to 50 minutes. Some brands are great in a sense that they stop developing after that time, but others will just keep developing and snap the hair right off (I’ve seen this happen when I was in hairdressing school). You take it off when the hair has reached the desired colour (but before the max time, which will be in the instructions). Remember to test your friend’s hair before bleaching to see if it can handle the bleach.

Answer #2

as Renee said, every brand is diffrent, some will say one tme and a different brand will state a different amount of time, it also dependson how strong it is. generally they say around half an hour but you MUST read t instructions first so you know how long for hat particular brand, you should also do a patch test first.also if left on for too long some burn your hair off

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