How to use my Blackberry for my PC?

How do I use my blackberry for my pc to get to the internet?

Answer #1


You can use BLackberry Pearls as modems to get online.

  • Install the BlackBerry Desktop Manager

  • Set up Internet APN From your PC:

    • Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel

    • Double-click Phone and Modem Options

    • In the Phone and Modem Options window, click the Modems tab

    • Select Standard Modem and click Properties

    • In the Standard Modem Properties window, Click the Advanced Tab

    • In the Extra initialization commands field, type the following: +cgdcont=1,”IP”,”your Internet APN“

      Note: If you do not know your Internet APN, or if you do not have an Internet APN, contact your service provider.

    • Click OK

    • In the Phone and Modem Options window, click OK

Configure dial-up networking connection Windows XP:

* Go to Start > Settings > Network Connections
* Double-click New Connection Wizard. The New Connection Wizard opens
* Click Next
* Select the Connect to the Internet option. Click Next
* Select Setup my connection manually. Click Next
* Select Connect using a dial-up modem. Click Next
* If the Select a Device screen appears, select the Modem - Standard Modem check box. Click Next
* In the ISP Name field, type a name for your connection. Click Next
* In the Phone number field, type *99#. Click Next
* Indicate which users will have access to the connection. Click Next
* Enter the user name and password provided by your service provider. Click Next
* Click Finish
* In the Connect window, click Properties
* In the Properties window, verify that Modem - Standard Modem appears beneath the Connect using heading, then click Configure
* In the Modem Configuration window, clear the Enable hardware flow control check box and make sure none of the other check boxes are selected. Click OK
* In the Properties window, click OK

Connect BlackBerry to Desktop Manager

* Connect the BlackBerry device to the computer and verify that BlackBerry Desktop Manager displays Connected. The device must be identified by BlackBerry Desktop Manager in order for the modem to establish a connection.

Important: BlackBerry Desktop Manager must be running for the tethered modem to function.

Note: If Microsoft Outlook is not operating in cache mode, you might receive a message indicating that BlackBerry Desktop Manager cannot contact the messaging server. If this message appears, click Cancel to proceed.

Connect to the Internet using dial-up networking

* Connect the BlackBerry device to the computer
* Open BlackBerry Desktop Manager
* Click Start > Settings > Network Connections > name of your new connection
* Enter the user name and password provided by your service provider
* Click Dial

Note: During this procedure, do not operate the BlackBerry Browser or any third-party applications on the BlackBerry device. An active data session may interfere with the modem connection. Also, make sure an ethernet connection is not active at the same time.

Answer #2

OMG!! Thank you so much for posting this!!! I had my BB connected and my husband messed it up. I was able to figure out the problem and reconnect to the internet after DAYS of trying. Thank you! Thank You! Thank you!

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