Black layers underneath the blonde

Ok,well im supose to bleach my hair blonde everywhere,and I was wondering if you find it nice if I had a few super black layers of hair underneath (like from the back of my neck down since I have long hair)

Answer #1

I loved Christina Aguilera’s hair when she had the blonde hair with the pink tips and underneath and I think the same thing (but with black or dark brown or whatever you want) would look just as great on you! Go for it! x

Answer #2

I don’t think you should do that. it would be super striking and odd looking for summer time. I would do maybe a darker brown (not black brown) underneath and then not bleach the entire portion of the top of your head blonde. I would do nice highlights. I just think that blonde plus black is a little cheap looking…and harsh.

hope it turns out well.

Answer #3

I had that. Check out my pictures. I have a pic of it.

I had dark brown hair and bleach blond underneath. It looked beautiful! I was very lazy and didn’t deep condition once a month so it got a little damaged but my hair is very strong so it was hard to tell. But everyone constantly complimented me on it. It actually won me brownie points when I first met my boyfriend’s sister hehe.

Oh a word of advice! I went to my hairdresser and basically split my hair in half and said to make the bottom half all blond. She told me NO! That it would look ridiculous and good thing I listened! You only need a small amount to make a big statement. At first I said that it wouldn’t even show but the contrast is big so it will show. :)

Answer #4

yeah I think just plain bleach blonde looks soo stupid go for it!!

Answer #5

I think that it will look nice

Answer #6

that wud look pretty good im seeing a lot of people do it tho I have a friend who has it like that looks nice ;]]

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