Is my friend bipolar?

My boyfriend has crazy mood swings one minute he is the sweetest thing and the next he gets mad cow on every1! I have mentioned to him I think he needs help but he wont go get checked what are the symptoms of being bipolar!

Answer #1

Bipolar can be hard to diagnosis. It sounds like he has problems that needs to be addressed. Some of the main things that are indicator of being bipolar are a down time (depression) such as sleeping way more that normal (like days at a time) and manic time such as being awake for days at a time. The manic time can include such things a being voilent to being overly helpful or just plain have to do have to do and goes to the extreme. Bipolars have a very hard time managing money, it can be an impossible task for them. It is a chemical inbalance within the brain and can be diagnosised with a simple blood test. The hard part is making someone that has is disorder realize that what they are doing is not normal. To them it is normal because that is all that they know. He could just have an anger problem, if it is just mood swings, but is you see anything close to what I stated above it more than likely is bipolar. Some people do very well when they get on the right meds and stay on them. A lot of times they will take them for awhile and feel normal thinking they do not need them anymore and start the whole cycle once again! I have a brother that has this and refuses to take the meds. My sister-in-law had it and she could never really find anything that worked right for her and would stop taking things before she could see if they worked. She finaly found one that was working and became allergic to it and well, she is no longer with us, but at least she did not do it herself. Her brother has it and has been on the meds most of his adult life and has pledged that he will never stop taking them because he understands that he can live a normal life with them. And if you ever met John you would say that his is the most normal level headed person you would ever met. The key is getting the person to realize they have a problem that needs medical attention and getting to stay on the meds, when the diagnosis is made. Good luck, it is a hard road and I am here 4 you should you need me!!!

Answer #2

Manic phase

Elevated mood Racing thoughts Hyperactivity Increased energy Lack of self-control Inflated self-esteem (delusions of grandeur, false beliefs in special abilities) Over-involvement in activities Reckless behavior Spending sprees Binge eating, drinking, and/or drug use Sexual promiscuity Impaired judgment Tendency to be easily distracted Little need for sleep Easily agitated or irritated

Depressed phase Persistent sadness Fatigue or listlessness Sleep disturbances Excessive sleepiness Inability to sleep Eating disturbances Loss of appetite and weight loss Overeating and weight gain Loss of self-esteem Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and/or guilt Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions Withdrawal from friends Withdrawal from activities that were once

You cannot, however, diagnose him…

Bipolar is complicated and needs a professional diagnosis, it could be something else… it could be a hormonal thing, it could be a personality disorder, it could be something physical… until he sees a doctor you cant know…

Answer #3

there energy level is low at times and then hes up and about like a crazy man, extreme fatigue. but that depends on the person, um has a hard time concentrating, sometimes the person gets really sad and even hopeless.

I don’t know if this helps but talk to him about it. like sit down and talk to him if need help message me.

Answer #4

I don’t know srry heart

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