Bigger boobs

I’ve herd that moving your boobs into a circular motion for about 10miz every night will make the mussel stronger and look bigger.

Is there anything else I could do.. Im 13 and im like 28aa

Answer #1

Sigh! Boobs are not muscle. They are glands and fat tissue. Your boobs will grow until you are 18-20 years old. They will grow as large as your genetics dictate. Sometimes, SOMETIMES, some women have a bit more growth when they are on birth control; and they also grow some during pregnancy. But mostly you can do nothing until you are like 20 and can have breast augmentation surgery done - a boob job.

AND most guys do not care much about the size. We are mesmerized by any size!!!

Don’t worry about that… Do good in school. Do after school activities. Read. See movies. And generally become a more interesting person and in a couple of years you will be WAY WAY WAY ahead of some big chested bimbo. And you will have a better time of it for your entire life.

Take care, and Good Luck!!

Answer #2

No, this will not help in any way, your boobs are not mussels, they are made up of fatty tissue. There is nothing you can do to make them grow any faster or look any bigger than what they are and should be. Thank about it, why would you want bigger boobs anyway, they just get in the way, they are a sign of having more fatty tissues in your body, the more boobs you have the more fat. Just wait you will get them before long, and after you get them you will wish you hadn’t.

Answer #3

ok im a 36B and well sometimes I do want my boobs to be bigger but usually you cant make them grow bigger!! trust me!! everyones boobs grow at a different time! some are early some are late bloomers dont worry about it! and just be happy with urself

Answer #4

your only 13. theres nothing to worry about.

Answer #5

I was a 5’1 32a when I was your age and now I’m 16 5’7 and a 34d I wouldn’t worry to much about it. Especially at your age its unnecessary concern. thats probably not what you’re looking for as far as information though so I think this is more appropriate: you have underlying muscles which can increase size very slightly but swirling your boobs around isn’t going to make your pectorals any larger, mostly building muscle under your boobs increases firmness, keeps them more centered, just overall better looking. I take dance so I have muscle pretty much all over my body and can make my boobs move very slightly with just muscle control as weird as that sounds, for the most part though I wouldn’t sweat it being a “28aa” you must be very small and large boobs would be just abnormal its nothing to worry about.

Answer #6

wow.. thanx!

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