big problams

ok last friday there was a dance at school and in the middle of the dance a boy that was sort of my friend decided to ignore and break up with a girl that was madly in love with him so I told some of my friends that I sort of stoped hanging out with but are still my friends what hapend and now I have about 7 boys who whant to kick his but including me but he had left the dance to soon so now theres monday but I dont like fighting in school

Answer #1

personally I dont think you should fight him at school! there are way to many people to get you in trouble… how old are you and the 7 other boys that wanna fight this kid, and how old is he? there are some really big problems that will pop up because of this fight… my ex signed up for the army and is leaving in a few months… if he fights at ALL before he leaves then he wont be able to go… but my point with all of this is that there are simply just too many problems that could pop up at school… I mean why not like invite the 7 guys ta your house when your parents aren’t home then invite the guy you wanna fight… once he steps foot in your house have 1 person hold pillows over his body BUT NOT HIS HEAD… then pound on him… they do that in the army at night so you dont leave bruises and get in trouble…

Answer #2

fighting gets you no where, if you want to really get to him, play some mind games with him, I know I sound stuiped but the torture will definately get at him and last longer then a bruise, but anyway im not endorsing any violence or anything just saying any type of fighting isnt good, this is just high school dramaand if he did this to her he didnt love her in the first place so it shouldnt be that much of a surprise, sorry if that sounds mean its just the truth

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