How to know if I'm bi or not?

I think I’m turning bi…but I’m not sure how to tell…can you tell me how I can know if I am?

Answer #1

Well, there probably isn’t a way to know without experimenting a little with both sexes. Some people love different things about the opposite sex. some girls get excited and have fun doing things with other girls yet they still have the same feeling when they do it with guys.

Answer #2

Wait. You are too young to see this clearly. Now you are discovering sexuality, your real orientaion will come out later when you can make sex on a regular basis. Till that you are just playing.

Answer #3

dOES thE thOUGht Of ANOthER GiRl PlEASURiN YUh ; tURN you ON ? dO you fANtASiZE OftEN AbOUt dOiN thiNGS WittA fEMAlE ? WOUld YUh bE WilliNG tO GiVE SEX A tRy Wit A GRl ?

if you ANSWEREd YES tO ANy Of thE AbOVE QUEStiONS : thEN hMMM ; MOSt likEly ; you ARE bi-CURiOUS ; At lEASt fOR NOW ; UNtil you GO AhEAd && SEE fA YURSElf what it fEElS likE tO bE Wit A GRl =]

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