ok so I know online relationships aren’t smiled upon, but mine wasn’t for online dating or what not. about two years ago I met someone on Club Penguin. we got to know each other really well (without revealing anything that shouldn’t be revealed over the internet, of course) and we started emailing each other after we finally got rid of our Club Penguin accounts. at first we would talk and talk for hours. but then, recently, he’s hardly talking to me at all. whats his deal?

Answer #1

I don’t know why he’d be angry. its not like I punched out his girlfriend or anything lol. but ill try to email him

Answer #2

maybe he got over the whole “online friends” thing…

Answer #3

you cant get to know each other really well through emails you never met him and the reason why he is probably not texting is cause he has a girlfriend

Answer #4

perhaps he is angry? perhaps he has found friends and can’t find the time to email you. I don’t really know, but if I were you I would talk to him. ask him if there’s a reason he’s not talking to you.

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