How can I change so guys like me?

im 13 and I havnt had a boyfriend yet, and a lot of people I no have..I really want to but I think im ugly and weird and annoying and fat..and I am bothered by guys who are ugly fat annoying and weird so I cant ask them..not that theyd say im too shy to could I get into better shape/change so that guys will like me? how can I tell if a guy DOES like me? any signs? or wut?

Answer #1

Guys don’t usually tell you, weirdly enough. A bunch of guys just graduated from my high school this year, and my friend told me AFTER they left that they had formed a fanclub for me. I had NO idea. It was kind of creepy, actually. Guys are shy, too, though, which is the point.

Anyway, don’t feel badly about not having a boyfriend at 13. In fact, it’s weird if someone has a boyfriend before age 14-15.. there’s not really a way to form a good relationship while still in middle school and below. Your first boyfriend will probably come in high school, the way it should be.

If you want to know how to come off as attractive to guys, it’s not just all looks. Do what llewellyn said if you’re worried about your figure and getting into shape. But believe it or not, guys will go for you if you have a great personality and confidence. Don’t make it obvious that you want a boyfriend, because then you’ll come across as desperate, and that’s a turn-off. You said it yourself; all those weird guys are chasing you around, aren’t THEY being desperate, and as a result you’re freaked out by them? Exactly my point!

I’m not just saying this, either. There’s this girl at my school who’s pretty overweight, but she is just SO cool! She’s so nice to everyone and is really fun, and because of that, she ended up dating this really great guy, who picked HER instead of a blonde cheerleader who was also after him! It really happens, so it really makes a difference if you don’t put yourself down so much and you just enjoy being yourself and being around others.

Guys will also come to you when you least expect them to; if you’re not searching too hard, someone amazing will pop up out of nowhere. Once again, experience speaks for this.

There ARE signs to tell if a guy likes you, though, even if he’s being shy. It’s okay if he has several friends who are girls, but if he likes you, you’re going to see a difference in the way he treats you compared to them. Sometimes he might stammer or blush without meaning to (depending on the guy), or he could act like a total jerk. Believe me, guys won’t just be mean to a girl for no reason, and they’re not going to do it because you’re “fat” or “annoying” or whatever. Guys give that kind of mean treatment to girls sometimes because they just want their attention. Also, one of the BIGGEST tip-offs is if a guy touches you a lot, even if it’s just on the shoulder or to play with your hair or something. If you want to let a guy know you’re into him, try little flirty touches like that. Nothing overboard, but enough to show him you’re interested.

Answer #2

just have confidence and believe in yourself, know yourself and your rights, then start changing who you are, to who you want to be! and don’t get a boyfriend just because all the other girls have boyfriends!! if you don’t want a boyfriend then don’t get a boyfriend!!

Answer #3

There aren’t really any sure signs that someone likes you since people do all kinds of different things for different reasons.

If you feel out of shape: -Walk -Drink lots of water -Eat small meals often to keep your metabolism going fast -Eat lots of fruits and vegetables -Avoid foods high in saturated fat

It’s not a big deal if you have not had a boyfriend yet. You might not think so right now, but you’re still a kid. There’s no rush to have a boyfriend. You will get one when you meet someone who likes you for who you are, not what you look like.

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