Best tips to do a toetouch?

Ok so I’m trying out for cheerleading this upcoming school year. First of all I need to build muscle in my legs so whats the best way in doing that? And what are the best tips in learing how to do a toetouch? Thanks! :)

Answer #1 first time in cheerleading I could not do a toe touch for my life lol but I started streching and that REALLLYY helped. also if you really want to do a toe touch you have to want it,bc if you dont want it ..your not going to be able to do one.. =) but yeah streatch a good 20 min. everyday

Answer #2

Yep, stretching does it. Practice as much as you can, and always stretch before. It also helped me by doing power toe touches. You bend your knees and bend down so your fists are by your knees. You do the toe touch count and jump as high as you can when you reach the count and do the best toe touch you can. If you can’t do it at first, it’s ok. It just helps to get you to jump higher and get your feet out as fast as you can. Make sure you keep looking forward through the whole thing though. Good luck! :]

Answer #3

the best way to do a toe touch is to do the splits all three ways at least a couple times a day but dont over due it.

Answer #4

Make sure you bend your legs befor you jump and make sure you have a good prep :]

Answer #5

hey! ok so im a cheerleading(2ndyear) and the way that I got better at toetouches is stretch… spilts all three ways to get your legs sronger and help with the toe touches … yuo can practice on a trampoline,,, thatswhat helped me.

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