What's the best ab workout routine?

Okay, so ever since I was little, I’ve always had a little pouch at the bottom of my stomach that has never really went away no matter how many crunches I did. Does anyone know any diet plans I could look into online or in stores or just exercise routines that you have everyday for a week…anything that will leave my stomach looking sleek and sexy.

Answer #1

hate to break it to all of you but if you do alittle bit of research dieting is the only thing to “sleek out” your body. doing situps and all other workouts burn calories and build up your midsection (makes your abs bigger) but it doesnt take the fat off of them. I am not going to give you a whole diet plan but try… 12(calories) x your weight=your caloric intake for a day… this should help you somewhat towards your goal of losing your stomach

Answer #2

I had that problem 2. until sumone tought me this routine. lay back with your left hand in back of your head and your legs at a 45 degree angle. cross your right leg over your left (your right foot reaching your left knee) and move your left elbow to your right thight ( leaving your right elbow touching the ground. 15-25 times. Then switch and use your left leg and right arm. do 2-3 reps. it will go away.

Answer #3

if you can go to a gym…and get on a declice bench….like this one http://www.fitnessscape.com/ab_cr.html

its a bench that tilts back and the front you stick your feet under the black foam and pretty much its an intense crunch i usually do them wit a medicine ball…but pretty much do crunches if you cant get on one of those…its all about doin them till they start hurtin like 20…then doing like five to ten more…take a break and do it again…till you hit atleast a 100 total in 4 or 5 sets……my min is 100…usually 150…to 200 are what i do

Answer #4

I liked 12345678900’s answer, no offense but nothing is going to happen by you sitting there reading that you need to do crunches. Just do as many situps as you can and trust me you will start to see results, quit looking for the miracle cure and “just do it!!!”

Answer #5

I think that old fashion sit-ups work the best. we do these in dance class, and you can see the results. PS. to help you do more, try puting on music to take your mind off of how many you have to do. do 20 regular, 20 with both feet up, 10 with left foot up, and the right foot. to work out your “tummy” muscles, lie on your side and put your hand that is closest to the ground behind your head, but not touching the ground. do crunches in that position on each side and act is if you are trying to pull yourself up even though you are in a side ways position. If you do this every day, I am pretty sure you will see and feel the results.

Answer #6

I think sit-ups are a good way to go. Just stay consistent with when you do it, and gradually increase your number. But just a note… I was told that is there so it can expand if you ever get pregnant. This way the stretch marks aren’t as bad. I roll my shirt up in soccer practice, but there are girls that refuse to just because their stomachs there are a little “jiggly”. So I guess it’s not a totally bad thing, but many girls have it so don’t stress too much.

Answer #7

trust in God that He gave a perfect body and you should take care of it in ever way. So I would advuce for sit-ups and trusting in God.

Answer #8

trust in God that He gave a perfect body and you should take care of it in ever way. So I would advuce for sit-ups and trusting in God.

Answer #9

Try leg lift in bed at night, both legs at the same time.Get ready for the pain no pain no gain

Answer #10

I hv it too, and am so self concious about it. I am always trying though so please if you hv any more advice keep it coming

Answer #11

I like faithgp Idea. i am gonna try dat tonight.

Answer #12

Okay… Losing weight is hard! I’ve been trying for a long time, and barely any results… It is hard for me to lose any because I just don’t like spending the time, but I have to get committed… There is no way to lose weight by just exercising. there is also NO WAY to lose weight by just dieting. You have to do a combo of the both of them…

Answer #13

The P90x, Ab Ripper workout would ensure your workout has done what it can.

Beyond that, you might be looking at genetics. Scrubbing the accumulated, methyl-tags from your DNA might be the subsequent step.

“Everybody is born with a unique set of genes, your hardwired DNA. (That’s called our genome.) Your genes lie there and wait to see if they will be turned on or not as directed by tagging systems that sit on top of genes, called the epigenome. Our genes and epigenetics have been compared to a computer and its software.2 Our genes are the hard drive; the epigenetics are the software telling the hard drive what to do.

The chemical “tags” of the epigenome are called methyl groups and they come from foods. There are other influences from our diet and the environment that profoundly affect our epigenetic tagging too. But the point is, our epigenetic molecular tagging system is what guides a gene’s expression, meaning whether a gene will be turned on or kept silent, and that system is heavily influenced by nutrition and other factors.” - “Obesity – Is it Genes or Lifestyle?” by James B. LaValle 02/24/2009

Answer #14

Ab exercises are some of the most popular exercises for both novice and elite athletes. Use Full Body Weight Training workouts. The split workouts bodybuilders use can work, but you’ll need to spend HOURS in the gym. So, if you want results in the shortest amount of time, look for a fat loss workout routine that works the entire body. PLUS, full body workouts involve more muscles for completion… which means they burn more calories.

Doris Delmonte

“dofollow”> workout routine

Answer #15

Lay on the floor with your legs at a 90 degree angle with your ankles crossed and put your right hand on the back of your head and do a sit up taking your right elbow to your left knee and do the other wit yo left side. Do 20 of each and then do 20 regular crunchies. Get ready for the pain though. put on some pump up music on while your doing this to get your mind off of it like I know you want me by Pitbul(:

Answer #16

I have it too, it might be genetic cause my aunt has it.

Answer #17

The best thing for me is crunches, different styles work best to make sure you are targeting the all the muscles in the mid section not judt part of them, I really noticed results by working out Gilad, the Hawaiian male who has the aerobics show on the health channell, at least it used to be on there, check your sattelite or cable provider. His workoit are awesome, fun and moderately easy, he hs the easiest and most effective ab routines I have ever done. You can also buy his workouts on dvd. Hope this helps, you really can tone your abs with the right diet, exercise, just keep at it and stay encouraged.

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