Belly peircingg?

What does everyone think about that? My mom thinks it looks trashy, but I think their cute and I want one :) Does it hurt? Annd how do I get my mom to sayy yess hahha

Answer #1

mine day hurt one bit tbh. the only time it hurt was when it got infected ;| but thats cah I daint disinfect the new bellybar before I put it I buh clean it on the regsz & stuff and it shud be okay. just dont tell your mom um havin it done lmao. will be worth it ;D x

Answer #2

no it not trashy I have mine done and its ok

it hurt on because it was the second time on a scar from the last 1 the 1st time I had it done it hit ma vaine :(

its fine now I have 1 more week left till I can change the belly bar

Answer #3

well my grandmother loves them lol, I used to have mine pierced but it kinda grew out. it doesnt hurt too bad, a pinch thats about it. it looks nice when your on holiday or on a beach but not so good when you walk around in belly tops, eww. xx

Answer #4

I have one :] I got mine when I was thirteen. it’s only trashy if you show it off constantly. if you just have it and nobody knows unless you say anything, then it’s all good :] it does not hurt too bad. but any hole in your body will hurt. but its bareable! good luck! <33

Answer #5

I think they look cute, most adults dont like that sort of thing..And I’ve heard it hurts from people, but I’ve also heard it doesnt…Guess it depends on your tolerance of pain.

Answer #6

Its not actually too sore I’ve had mines done 3x now and as long as it doesnt get infected it should be fine. When I first got mines done I was 15 and I just kept telling my mum that no one will know its there and what would she rather I done, got it done profesionally or do it myself (which I did the 2nd time) And she agreed. The pain isnt bad atall you just think it will be, ask her to come with you so she knows its done by a clean profesional and all should be good :)


Answer #7

being a piercer this may sound strange but I find navel piercings to be trashy on some people. yes they accent your stomach, there is a plus. but I am am also the type of person who can not stand seeing people in bikinis that cover them less than underwear. I am more of the keep yourself covered up type. a lot of the jewlery is cute and such but most females show the piercing off in trashy ways. it is the piercing I dislike the most.

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