Belly peicings

In qld how old do you hafta b to get this dun Im 13 now so how long??

Answer #1

I pierced mine in class and every body called me a crazy bytch. bahahahahahaah

Answer #2

I got mine done when I was 13 you just need a parent to take you. someone over the age of 16 or maybe 18. :)

or find somewhere that doesnt care !


it hurts btw.

totally worth it tho.


Answer #3

I’ve mine dun since I was 12 =/ haha aftur a while yu just get sick of it & tink its nurrin special but its lovely to have when yur on holidays in a bikini =) it doesnt hurt much but just the thought ov the needle going in is horrible & I fainted when I got up =/

Answer #4

Sorry, does qld stand for Queensland? If so here is some information on piercing laws in your area:.

If you are under 18 you must be capable of forming a sound and reasoned decision to agree to being pierced. In those circumstances a parent’s consent is not necessary, but in practice many piercing studios require it.


So check with your the piercing studio first or take your parents with you to be on the safe side. Have fun, it’s a nice piercing, I got mine done two weeks ago :)

Answer #5

I had my dun for a couple years now. Where I live , if your 16, you have to bring a parent with you, if your above 16 you can go and do it by urself…it doesn’t hurt at all…mine only cost $50

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