Belly or nose

Okkk , Im thirteennn & I want to get my nose or belly button done . Do not be hypicritcal and say too young ; Cus truth is I dont care . Im here asking weather the nose or the belly hurts more & what looks better . Help neededd like now . Thankss byee .

Answer #1

well im going to say not to be an idiot and go off getting holes in your flesh when your a kid especially a facial peircing also at such a YOUNG age NO peircer will peirce you unless you have an adault with I.d to consent and even then, they might still not peirce you because your too young to understand any of the consequences involved with them

Answer #2

I did my belly button, they lie it freaking hurts. but it’s not so bad that you cry. just a LOT og pressure. lol and it’s amazing. I wouldn’t do your nose though, those are mre common and not that attractive.

Answer #3

I like nose piercings and belly 2…get your nose done 1st because some of my friends have it done and its pretty cute! but get your belly done a lil later…

Answer #4

hey :) I have had both done. my nose only hurt a little and made my eyes water and my belly hardly hurt just when the needle first went through. I would reccomend your belly maybe? because the nose can scar as mine did it left a little black shade on my nose hope this helps x

Answer #5

umm, bellybutton hurts a bit-you can feel the needle goung through your flesh, its not really painfull but is kinda uncomfortable…nose…I wouldnt recommend- it gets infected everytime your down with cold or flu…painfull and looks ridiculous when its swollen simply EWWW!!! Belly button looks good, cute, but have to wash it with sea salt water ONLY!!! DO NOT USE SOAP OR ANY OTHER DISINFECTANTS!!! or it will swell, and you wont be able to dress properly and etc-will hurt like HELL!!! :P

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