belly botton peircedhelp?

I just got my belly botton peirced and its oozing white stuff… is that normal… and how should I clean it and how many times a day?

Answer #1

yea, I got my thing to clean my piercing at the place I got it done, they should sell it, if not they normally tell you what you should use. they also recommended I use an anti-bacterial soap. I used to clean mine 2 to 3 times a day and move your ring around, do not take it out..

Answer #2

Yes, it is absolutly normal. DO NOT use peroxide or alcohol. Use a cleaner specificaly made for peircings. You can get it at peircing shops (the place you got it peirced)

Answer #3

White stuff is normal, thats just discharge, if it turns green then thats bad…

As for the cleaning, you should clean it 2-3 times a day with epson salt soaks (put enough in so it will all dissolve) for 5-10mins (less then 5 isn’t enough, and theres to much bacteria if more then 10). Then apply unscented anti-microbial or anti-bacterial soap to it, move the piercing up and down a few times, then wash it off. *Make sure your hands are very clean before you touch it!

Oh and it take 6-12months to heal not 3months… [[But you can usually change it around 2…]]

Don’t play around with it, it’ll just get irritated. Alcohol is horrid for fresh piercings… *Hydrogen peroxide is only good when your developing Keloids (white scar tissue build-up)

Good Luck =]

Answer #4

it sounds normal they take at least 3 months to heal (so dont try to take it out or change it untill then) and its probably just puss which is a normal part of the healing process just clean it reguarly but not too often try a sea salt soak 1 cup or warm water with 1 tablespoon of sea salt (found at any grocery store) and rest your bellybutton in it for 15 minutes

Answer #5

thanz it helps a lot XD

Answer #6

you can use anti-bacterial liquid dial soap, that’s what the people at the piercing place recommended

Answer #7

2-3 times a day and its normal

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