Believing in god...

I am confused!! I dont know if I believe in god or not! What do I do??

Answer #1

Please believe in God.If the world ends one day and you’re the only survivor…

Riiight… God’s going to ‘The Rapture’ everyone to heaven… except ONE PERSON. Riiight…

Besides his scriptures and messengers are a big proof.

No… they aren’t.

Answer #2

I say, believe in what you want as long as you don’t get in the way of “normal” people. Don’t run around telling evryone that “bible is the truth, believe in god, else you will go to hell” and other nonsense.

“ the world ends one day and you’re the only survivor only god will be your helper if you do so”

OR, I could not believe in god, survive, and be able to help me myself, not rely on something imaginary and paradoxal like god.

“Besides his scriptures and messengers are a big proof.”

You can’t even prove if the bible is not made up, how can you prove that something as unprovable as god could actually say anything?

Answer #3

Please believe in God.If the world ends one day and you’re the only survivor only god will be your helper if you do so.Besides his scriptures and messengers are a big proof.

Answer #4

I’d rather watch ‘STAR TREK’

Answer #5

READ THE BIBLE!!! And Watch the Left Behind Movies!

Answer #6

“”Just think of it this way, you might as well believe in Him because you don’t know if you are going to heaven or hell, so if you start to believe Him just because you want to go to heaven””

So here aging he see the fear base. Believing in God for the fear of hell, according to Christianity, isn’t a way into heaven. Instead why not apply reason to see there is no proof of heaven, no proof of hell, no proof of God.

Answer #7

the bible was actually designed for those who are already saved to help those that arent to come to Christ.

How manipulative… who told you that?

Answer #8

I am confused!! I dont know if I believe in god or not! What do I do??

Okay… so you’re uncertain about God… is there anything that you DO believe?

Answer #9

its alright not to belive in god. I dont know if hes real either.

Answer #10

believe and him, unless you wanna go 2 hell :( but it’s better 2 believe and him cause he IS REAL

Answer #11

Its ok not to believe in God. There is no proof of God. The bible has no proof behind it.

Answer #12

you should see Zeitgeist

(that blue one one the right) its in english and its first part suggests that religion is the greatest story ever told

Answer #13

Reading the bible does not always lead people to believe in God, I have read it several times and all it did for me was confirm my beliefs that I do not believe in him.

Answer #14

I think if you beleive in god thats great but if you decide not to then thats sorta ok. I think you should beleive in him and if you want to know more about him read the bible!

Answer #15

I don’t know. sometimes I think soo too but like 80 % of me believe in him and 20% of me dont.. if you know what I mean

Answer #16

just go to a radical church, get saved get encounterd and beleive me you’ll feal like your in love! and if you feal nothing after two times going to an encounter then make your decision. but I was dramaticlly I mean AMAZINGLY changed that people even saw a diffrence in me! if you live in orlando heres the ADDRESS YOU WILL BE CHANGED!!

HERE IT IS w. silver star RD. ocoee florida 34761 7:00 - 10:00

it may seem long but its not here look!

Answer #17

The funny thing is, only fictional characters seem to obsess over whether or not you believe in them.

If there are any gods out there, they have not made themselves present to you, and so it’s fair to conclude that they could care less whether or not you believe in them.

Answer #18

I do believe in God, not because of Fear of Hell, I believe in him because I found out the truth of learning for myself, all you do is search for your own answers, and find out what is true to yourself. Not what people tell you to believe.

I can tell you what I believe and Most people would say I am not a Christian and say I should go to hell for believing what I believe. Anyways what I have studied the Bible and Greek and what I believe is that Jesus is Not God and that Jesus was a Profit, and that the bible says there is “One” God Not three in One.

Hope this has helped, Hope you find what you are looking for.

Answer #19

can you see how many innocent people die every day ? thats the proof theres no god

Answer #20

its simple and sad WATCH!

Answer #21

okay, for me, I believe there IS a higher power out there…however, I dont believe a lot of what the Bible says and maybe I’ll go to hell for that, but I can’t help what I believe and how I was brought up. thats just me. so I believe in a higher power, but not neccessarily God. I was brought up Christian, I went to a bible study, I did the church thing, and sadly, all it did was make me hate myself, feel guilty for almost everything I did, said, or thought, and feel ultimately like I belonged to a cult. and I know im not the only one that has ever felt like that…believe what you want…but also, they make god out to be a long haired white guy…where he was born, aren’t they supposed to be a little darker??? I thought so. bottom line, im pretty sure you wont go to hell…so don’t be afraid to believe what you want. we were made with the ability to form our own opinion…so use it.

Answer #22

You learn more about that religion and make up your own mind about it. Before you follow something blindly, you should learn more about it and question things. Although, Christians get pretty upset when your question things in that religion.

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