Should I believe him or not?

so I have been dating this guy for about 2 years now. we’ve been on and off a few times but not for a long time. he has lied to me about smoking and tried to get away with it a couple of times. but ever since I fully booked him he neva lied to me about that again. so lately we broke up because all of a sudden we stopped talking..we would talk for about 5 minutes a day. it went from more than an hour to 5 minutes. so I got really upset and told him we constantly argued and it led no where. so after 3 months of this I decided to break up wit him for good, since I was upset about breaking up wit him and gettin back wit him 3 times already. so then after we broke up I found out he was trying to get with another girl asking her if she was interested in him on msn. so the girl that told me found out because the girl he was trying to get with told her. so she told me since she is like my best friend. then after a while I told my ex what I hurd and he denied it saying it never happened and he would never do that to me. im not sure if its true because why would this person lie to me? but then why would my ex do that to me too when we’ve been together for 2 years. another thing is I heard he was telling people he was getting bored of me. he still wants to get back together but im not sure if I should since I dont trust him or believe what he is saying. what do you think?

Answer #1

ok well first thing is first. you need to think if you really want to date him again. things may never change, some people dont change. so you just have to either learn with being lied too or move on i would suggest moving on. it will be hard, but easier then gaining back trust destroyed. so… anyways… but when it comes down to it. would your best friend lie to you or your ‘ex’?? who could you trust more. talk to your bestfriend. and tell your ex that if he really means it and that he didnt do it or say those things, then to prove it. and well it made sound bit*hy but if he says he cant prove then just simply say “well i guess you just dont want me back” he will either step up his game, thats how you know he actually wants you back or he will jsut back out. & the whole getting bored thing, he may of started just to sound big and bad around his friends. which is wrong, but forgiveable. but look. its your decision. always keep in mind, if you dont want him gone and you run. only run far enough for him to chase after you and not get tired and give up.

Answer #2

That boy is a JerkFace. get rid of him. if ya’ll were together for 2 years. then he should LOVE you. hah. this boy might care a little but he dont love you. sorry hun. you can do way better!

Answer #3

I dont like reading long huge paragraphs, only when neccesary, and that was not neccesary, so I stopped at about the first sentence, what I think you should do, is talk to him about, and if he is blowing you off, like for 5 mins a day[ scanning] then you suld let him go, there are BILLIONS of guys alone in the U.S. why waste time with him

Answer #4

Look you have to think about yourself and appreciate yourself! I really dont like this guy you gave him more than enough chances so just move on! Dont underestimate yourself I bet you could do sooo much better. So why should you wreck your nerves about this player? There are so many nice guys!

Answer #5

He sounds shady, entitled, and dishonest. Don’t trust him! Whether or not he did try to get with your friend on MSN, he just doesn’t sound like a great guy who cares about your feelings.

Answer #6

The answer is pretty clear to me, get over him!! He is obviously the problem here, you clearly go back to him everytime! You just listed several things he has done and stuff, obviously he is lieing to you if it keeps happening. And why does it keep happening? Because you take him back everytime, he KNOWS you will believe him, you have every time. That just gives him a reason to keep doing it, why stop if ull take him back? Hes got you all figured out girl.

Answer #7

well you gotta be honest.. tlel him that you dont trust him and what not. and if he really wasnt trying to get with whoever, then im sure he’d let you go through his inbox on msn or how ever it works to where you could really see if he did or nt.. or ask your friend to see the message. but don’t stop looking, bc sometimes whne you stop looking is when the best of the best is right there, i’ve found that out for myself. you gotta go what you gotta do, so best of luck.

Answer #8

Give up. Move on. Date someone more sincere.

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