Being honest to my boyfriend

Well, my boyfriend and I have been good friends for almost 6 months before deciding that we should be together. Now we’ve been dating for about a month. I know he has been there for me and helped me out a lot and I appreciate it, but in less than a month, we’ve gone far compared to other couples. We act like we’ve been together for a year or so. He also calls me a lot less often than he used to. A drop from 5 times a day to once or twice every other day. This drop took place right after we made out, and me expressing that we shouldn’t have because it was too soon. Right now this is exactly how I feel towards him :-

-I dont fully trust him yet -that I need time to get used to him -that he should respect me and my wishes more often
-hes being selfish -I think hes just messing and playing -he doesnt give two shits about me

I know that if tell him the above, he will definately get mad at me. If what I feel is wrong (( which I hope )) then I would have ruined everything we have, misjudged him, and been very ungrateful to him. I just think I need more time and that we should slow things down. He won’t listen, he says everything is great and that we didnt rush into things. His exuce is that he is too busy studying or dealing with his problems (( which I know he has many and I pray for him every night god be with him )) I am trying to be as understanding as I can. But I am fed up and I am afraid I might just blot it all out to his face. If that happenned, it would end everything between us.

I dont want to sabotage this relationship, so Should I tell him how I feel or should I just go with the flow?? If I decide to tell him (( which I will most probably )) , how should I tell him, without risking what we have and hurting his feelings?

Answer #1

Hes probably feeling that you are no longer “just friends”, and thinks now that you are his girlfriend, you should just let go of your inhibitions. It seems that he wants something more physical out of the relationship, than he does in respecting you. Theres more to knowing someone on a boyfriend level than there was knowing them on a friendship one. Even if you would have been friends for 5 years. before dating, he shouldnt expect more from you physically.

Here are stages in a healthy relationship> Stages in a healthy relationship look like this ~Attraction toward one another ~Friendship ~Dating ~Taking things slowly ~Getting to really know one another’s likes and dislikes, values and value systems ~Getting to know each other’s friends and family ~Getting to know each other’s interests.

If you feel that telling him about your feelings will ruin the relationship, then you dont have much of a relationship to begin with. If he doesnt feel the same way you do about how fast things should, or shouldnt progress, then he isnt the one for you. By the way things sound, hes on a totally different page than you are.

Answer #2

agree with all the above, but eventually your still going to have to talk to him about these issues. you have a life too. if you feel he doesn’t care about u, doesn’t respect your wishes, and is pretty much using you I no theres no easy way of saying this to him but if you don’t tell him your going to be stuck in a bad relationship you wish you could get out of. when you talk to him if he could care less what your saying then break up with him then and there because you deserve better. no girl should have to feel the way you do in a relationship. hope I helped:] funmail me if you need more advice.

Answer #3

sweetie look , men are funny after sex,, this sound like its a world wind romance. I do not know. but . you do not think calling 5 times a day is a bit much?.. well I do. some of us are lucky to hear from them once a day. men are different as you know.. they take their time. especially when they bed. you its like… am I rushing it…or will she expect more.( they never want us to expect more… now talk to him you deserve. a freaking phone call after you been intimate. saying yeh or nay.

Answer #4

you should call him and ask him if you can help him study YOU have to make a move you can wait but it might get boring

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