Who is more beautiful, men or women?

In your opinion who is more beautiful in the world man or woman? Feel free to answer this question. I shall make a stastical record of the answeres i get from this question.

Answer #1

women!!! men dontreally take care of themselfs… sorry guys it true :)

Answer #2

There are lots of examples of artists appreciating both the male and female figure.

As far as beauty goes I have to vote for women’s figures. Mens straight or V shape just seems boring comparing to women’s graceful curves. Coke is the most popular beverage and its bottles have womanly curves. Cars with straight lines are boring but ones with curves are evocative (e.g. Jaguar).

Of course being a guy I might be just a bit biased.

Answer #3

Dear iwelcomeu, If you are using this question for stats then may I suggest you change the word beautiful to something else. Beautiful is typically used for woman, handsome for men. Perhaps if you want a more level field you may want to use something that would fit both genders…of course if the intent of the question was by using that particular to get a particular answer I’m very sorry I may have spoiled it for you. Sue…good luck

Answer #4

Beauty comes from within and cannot be seen on the outside. I think there is equal beauty within both sexes.

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