How do you beat Ursula on Kingdom Hearts 1?

^ pretty much what the title says.

Answer #1

ijust have kingdomhearts re:coded

Answer #2

i just have kingdomhearts re:coded

Answer #3

i just have kingdom hearts re:coded

Answer #4

i got this all from hope it helps if you havent already dont it :)

The first encounter with Ursula is in Ursula’s Lair.

Ursula has stolen King Triton’s trident, but does not use it in this battle. Rather, she fights by swinging her hands and tentacles, and every now and then, she will spin vigorously round the room, injuring Sora and company if they come near. This is the most difficult attack to avoid, so ignore everything else when she does so, and concentrate on swimming up and down to avoid her when this happens. Flotsam and Jetsam are also in the lair to deal damage to Sora, however, they are simple to avoid, and Ursula will use cure on them if they are both defeated, so it’s easier to ignore them, and concentrate on Ursula.

It should be noted that in Ursula’s lair, there is a huge cauldron in the center, filled with color-changing liquid. The color of the cauldron does not indicate what kind of spell needs to be used on it, only what kind of spell Ursula will spawn from it. Launching spells at the cauldron will eventually cause a massive amount of energy to be released, stunning Ursula and her lackeys. Ursula will also throw some kind of magic potions to activate the cauldron, however, if there is little to no inervention, Ursula will use spells of her own to damage Sora and co. The easiest spell to cast onto the cauldron is Fire, as it consumes little MP and it is the first on the Magic menu. You may lock on to the cauldron to cast the spell, though it should be noted that physical attacks will not work on the cauldron. Physical attacks will refill your MP, so if you find you’re low, make sure to attack Flotsam and Jetsam, as they refill your MP more than other enemies do.

Once Ursula is stunned, take this opportunity to use physical attacks on her. It is also possible to attack her while she is conscious, however her HP will go down very slow, and she will use her spin attack after two or three hits, so it would be better if you attack the cauldron.

Her attacks are few but rather unpredictable, so the key to winning this battle is the cauldron at the center of the lair to incapacitate her. Like all other boss battles, do heal when necessary.

Second encounterEdit Ursula can be found in an area hidden beyond the Calm Depths (marked with “???”), where the water currents might push Sora away - use your newly acquired ability Mermaid Kick to get to that area. In this area, Sora and company will confront a gargantuan Ursula, this time, wielding King Triton’s trident. It should be noted that if Sora uses any form of Aero magic here, this will strengthen Ursula. She deals non-elemental damage which looks somewhat like Thunder; these attacks increase in power and quantity when she raises the trident. She occasionally blows air currents into Sora’s chest, dealing substantial damage to him. When she has only one HP bar left, Ursula can open her mouth to use a Thunder-like laser, which will damage Sora if he gets in the way.

Her only weak point is the head, so it is best to use physical attacks on it. Try and get behind her head, and start bashing away at her. This can be done best by swimming over her head, and then come down. Occasionally Ursula will push Sora away from her head, so get as close to her as you can. Don’t be shy about using the Keyblade - and do heal when necessary. Aim for the back of her head and attack from behind as much as possible. However, since Ursula is always turning to face you, this makes it difficult to hit her. When she starts to gasp as if hurt or tired, swim behind her head and chain combo attacks to the side or back of her head, and swim away when it starts to get dangerous. Magical attacks can damage her as well, but normal combos work best, since she has a triple HP bar.

As Flotsam and Jetsam have already been eliminated after the first battle, do not risk being damaged by either of them in the second battle.

If you are in front of Ursula when she starts to inhale water, use Mermaid Kick to swim away as fast as possible until she cannot inhale anymore. If you do not, she will bite you, which is not recommended. She always declares her other attacks - a bubble attack (avoidable with Mermaid Kick) and raising the trident indicates that she is going to form a circle of damaging magic around her. Swim away to avoid that one. Your prize for winning is the Thundara upgrade and another Ansem Report.

Anyways, it’s optional, but worth your time, you may just need to level up a little bit.

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