Banned from a site

I got banned on callofduty when I put in my date of birth, becuase I am 14 I couldnt get on, but I made my account on the other computer in my house, but I cant get on with my laptop, and I want to, whenever I go to the site it doesnt let me in, any help with this and getting banned from websites?

Answer #1

actually it was only banned on my laptop, I can get on it on my other computer lol, so w/e

Answer #2

We’re not going to help you break the rules of another site, sorry.

If the rules say you can’t get an account, ask a parent to get one & see if they can contact the company to get you a supervised account, etc…it may be possible with a letter from a parent, but I’m not 100% sure.

Answer #3

I bet half the people on there are under 18, and I accidentally enter my own birthdate, w/e idc I can always get on my account on the computer downstairs

Answer #4

Your IP address will be banned on every computer in your house,I suggest you don’t even try.

Answer #5

Maybe you were banned for a reason,you probably broke a rule and they saw it,every site has rules,contact them and explain.

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