Bang problems

I got my bangs cut a while back, and im letting them grow out. When I put my hair in a ponytail, pieves near my ears fall down and it looks REALLY stupid, they’re like shorter than the rest. And, if I leave my bangs down, you can see like a white line, a very UGLY hair line. Is there a way to make your hair grow faster, a product maybe? or HOW can I put my hair up?

Answer #1

keep ypur bangs up with strong hair gell… and i know this sounds gross but if you dont wash it as often it will grow faster and eating very healthy can make it grow faster too.

Answer #2

If I could make my hair grow faster I wouldn’t look like the avatar I put up. There is a lot of “snake oil” out there that doesn’t work, but you should just go to a salon and ask them for style ideas. A good hair dresser can fix just about any problem.

Answer #3

Bobby pin (: Just hold the hair in place, grab a bobby pin (kirby grip) and slid into place

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