Bad music/show

ok this is the one that should have so many suggestions on this girl. Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana??? Shes sux who agrees with me???

Answer #1

she sux a lesbians balls

Answer #2

she suxxx!!!

Answer #3

I think she’s a good singer. I mostly just like her new songs though.

Answer #4

I dont think she sucks,, I just think shes getting old,, Even the little kids are not as hyped about her as they used to be.

Answer #5

her voice just gets extremely annoying

Answer #6

aww Jealousy. Jealousy. Jealousy. Her voice is unique. Im 20 with no children and like her. She’s an okay role model. And if I had children.. I would hope they would be listening to her. (compared to some of the other music out there.)

Oh and if she sucked* that much sweetie.. I don’t think she would be a FAMOUS as she is.

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