backstabbing friend

I am 22 years old I have a friend that is also 22 she consistly tells people my business start rumors and try to do everything i do but better i bought a 2007 toyota camry she went and bought 2006 nissan altima full loaded 1 month later. I had a boyfriend and she consistly told him false statements and sometimes true things about me she also has made over 10 people already turn against me and actually hate me to death because of false statements she denies everything all the time and goes into a CRAZY really CRAZY fit what should I do and How do I take her out of my life with out doing something crazy she once told me that she wants me dead and hope I died during an arguement.

Answer #1

why are you still wasting your time with someone who obviously never left the immature high school mentality? she sounds like a crazy evil person lol dont let her cause so much drama, she lies about you to the point where you have actually lost people out of your life becos of her! the best way to get rid of a pest like this is to cut her out, stop taking her calls, avoid her at all costs and if she does manage to track you down just be honest with her, tell her that you feel that this friendship is taking its toll on you and she isnt a nice person to have around becos of the constant lies, if she chucks a hissy fit……oh well…..not your problem, just walk away! she’ll get the hint eventually. just stay strong.

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