How do I stop being so angry that my friend backstabbed me?

I feel backstabbed by my ever so close friend I have known since the 3rd grade. We have been together through almost everything. He knew i like this girl in school, the day before I was going to ask her out he asks first. I feel like he stabbed me in the back and I saw his face and he started laughing at me. Please, how do i make myself not feel so angry and sad and feel happy for him like I should?

Answer #1

You don’t need to be too hard on yourself for feeling angry and betrayed. One way to move on from this is to allow yourself to have those emotions. Don’t bottle them or pretend they don’t exist. This will only make things worse. When you are ready, forgive him. You don’t have to tell him you have forgiven him. Do this privately and it will bring you some peace. You may never get an apology from him nor will he ever change but you need to be ok with that and also be ok with who you are. Work on doing things to make yourself happy. The best revenge is no revenge at all. Move on, find new friends. Him seeing you happy and not concerned with what he is doing anymore will be the best way you can “get back at him”. You are a kind and unselfish person and in the long run, people will want to be around you rather than someone who is self-serving and always trying to one-up everyone. Good luck.

Answer #2

If this guy was a TRUE friend, he wouldnt have done what he did to you, then laugh about it! You have the right to feel how you want. You have nothing to feel guitly about.

Do you and your friend often compete against each other, or is this the first time? If it’s not the first time, maybe that’s the underlying issue you need to address. A little healthy competition is great, but maybe you both need to set some ground rules for yourselves — for example, that you’ll back off if the other one has a crush, and not go for the same girl. (Remember there are plenty of crushable girls out there!) Hopefully you and your friend can come to some agreement that maintains your friendship, while supporting each other in pursuing romantic relationships, too.

Answer #3

Move on with your life, and be happy. True friends dont step on each others toes. Find another girl , their are so many of them. Also, never hold a grudge. Its not healthy.

Answer #4

its normal to feel that way, at least for a while. dont hold anything like a grudge against him and even if u do dont let it show. if u feel happy for him, then be happy. dont force urself to feel angry just because u think u should.

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