Back to school

I will be back in school in about a week, but this summer things got heated up and all of my friends are against me or talking bad behind my back how should I act when I get back in order to not make this next year suck??

Answer #1

Face facts missy… if they are all “against” you, or “talking behind your back”… then they really aren’t your “friends” at all, are they? You are better than that. A new school year… make new friends and move on with your life. Leave the immature pettiness behind you where they belong. It’s their loss, not yours.

Answer #2

Don’t worry about it. If they talk to you they talk to you. if not, then they’re probably not worth your time. Make new friends. Sucks that people in high school act that way, but that’s what they do.

Answer #3

yeah I’ve definatly had tat happen to me

just play it kool and if they talk to you then talk back, but dont go back expecting an apology or anything. And if things dont work out with them then who cares theres a world full of great people out there, you just have to look.

Answer #4

don’t let it bother you too much. as time passes people move on to new things to talk about. even if things did get heated up chances are in a few weeks everyone will forget what happened. don’t be the type to let people walk all over you but also don’t try to get back at anyone or get revenge because in the end it only makes things worse

Answer #5

make new friends

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