Babymother vs babydaddy

Okaie im 16 and I have a 1 year old baby and im 2 months pregnant by the same guy. Everythingg was okaie untill a couple weeks ago me and him are constanly arugin but this last time it got serious make things short I foundd out about another girl andd I blacked out he kept pushingg me and den he punched ,me in my lower jaw and stole my phone so I took his brand new sneackers he went and denied hittin me so I pressed charges now I dunt noe what 2 do cause I love him and I noe he loves me should I tell him im sorry or do I go to court and getr him locked up I really dunt wanna do that because I dunt wanna face this pregnacy on my own so do I swallow dis for my kids or fight for my rights please help me I want the realtionship I had wit his family backk..

Answer #1

is your name Chelsea and is his name Robert??? if so you need to leave his a.s.s and get a life!!

Answer #2

if you just suck it up it will continue to happen no matter what he says…if he loves you he will understand why you are pressing charges and he will see that you are not going to put up with his crap which will either make him change his ways or move on to beat on someone else..either way if you love your kids you have to protect them which means going thru with pressing chrages if he does it too you he will do it to them..good luck and I hop I helped

Answer #3

You need to stand up for yourself and do what’s best for you and your babies. HE’S the one who needs to apologize first for hitting you.

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