Baby signs?

Ok well basically im 16 and I’ve wanted to have a baby since I was 14 but I’ve stopped myself because I was still at school and knew I was 2 young,so I made my doctor put me on a contreceptive injection. Everything was fine until the week I turned 16 and the injection I was on stopped working and I had to be taken off it immediately. A few days later my mums friend had a baby girl and named her eva, where I come from that name is rare and is what I’ve always said I would call my daughter when I had one, whenever im with the baby I get a feeling like I’ve found what I’ve always been looking for, like im supposed to have a baby. A while after this, my dad started to act strange, he’s always said he wouldnt even talk to me about my future kids until he thought I was ready and he started talking to me about what I’d like to call my children when I have some. My mind has been going crazy with the idea of a baby, but I realised there is no way I could have a baby as we have no room in our house and I have nowhere else to live and then last week we came into a bit of money and have made adjustments in our house and it seems perfect for a baby environment.

Is it me or is this all 1 sign saying im ready, even though im young, I have what it takes to bring up a child?? I really do feel ready.

Answer #1

I simply don’t understand WHY 16 year olds girls are so keen to have a baby?!?!?

I was broody from birth I think, but I would NEVER have dreamt of having a baby! I was scared enough at telling my mum that I was having a baby when I was 21!!!

babies are cute fluffy little bundles of joy (some of the time, mostly when asleep lol!) but they grow up, and they grow up fast! they require new clothes every 6-12 months, they requre toys and educational things that are according to their devlopment stage probably every 3-6 months for the firt few years…the theory on ‘sleep when the baby sleeps’ s poop, because you have all the housework to get done…

they are very very hard work! and although love my children dearly, I don’t want ANYMORE and I only ave two! I have a four bedroom house with a 110 foot garden that barely contains all their things…

ideally, to make things easiest, you need an excellent support network, housing that is suitable and large enough, a decent income…ideally, both parents (I have been a single mum and I loved it! but I have always had my eldest son’s dad in my life - and that is a whole other story!

get an education, get a good job, build a career, get into a loving stable relationship, get a home THEN have children, it makes it a lot less stressfull and it’s a natural flow…

why don’t you focus on getting really good grades at school, the world will open up for you and you will have CHOICES, you don’t get choices like that when you have a child… they always come first…at least they should do.

and remember; they don’t stay babys for long…very very soon they are hormonal children and teenagers pushing their boundaries…

ever had a cat? from a kitten? I love this poem and it defines broodyness to have children…

the trouble with a kitten is that, eventually it turns into a cat!

Answer #2

if your family are going to support you one hundred and ten percent then if you know you can give it what it needs eg good education and a stable environment and all the love you can give then there is no reason for you not to. just make sure noone around you has a problem because you dont want your babys first vital years to be surrounded by your nervous stress or others disapproval. just make sure that even if your partner hubby or the father leaves etc that you will have many people around to support you because being so young, if you dont have support and something happens then you canot provide baby with everything they need. I personally wont hae a baby until I could afford the best of everything to give them.. I assume you would want the same for your baby? instead of having a baby now why dont you get job and save tons of money.. if you have a child it should be able to have all te privledges other children can have because we want the best for our children and if you can provide then your child has more chances in life. Good luck

Answer #3

I think its a sign. im 14 and 2weeks along, I know it doesnt seem alll that long? but its amazing. my baby was planned!! though, and I know im ready for it.. if you want a baby and plan for it,,, then I think you should have one. but the decision is up to you=] and I think you should do whatever you want

dont listen to these haters on here; they said the same things to me, but im gettin along just fine. and I know you will to if you decide to have a baby

Answer #4

I think it’s great that you have a “motherly instinct.” I had my first baby at 23, and I was at a good point in my life. I am able to stay home and raise him while my husband brings home a lot of money. Wait until you can do what I’m doing. If you don’t, you’ll wish you did. When you can properly care for him financially, and are able to give him a full time mother is the right time.

Answer #5

listen I agree with most of the things she said…but honestly not too long ago women married and began having children at 14 or 15 not to mention their marrige ages in other countries in actuality so its more normal than you think to want to have a child women are born with certain maternal instincts and we grow up with them. remember the dolls you carried around and wrapped in blankets? but that dosent mean your ready to have a kid theres more to it than having room in your house and a desire for one trust me I’ve felt ready for a long time…and im engaged!!! im just sayin try to enjoy being young and although you may still want one…decide to babysit instead…that way you can still go to that party the next day. -v-

Answer #6

it might seem like your getting a lot of signs but dont do it, I thought I was ready at 14! I wasnt, however I had my son at 15, I dont regret him and I would be nowhere without him, but he wasnt planned and life is hard, even though we cope it is hard. wait untill you have a job and a home. Dont rush and dont plan a little one just yet, enjoy being able to go out with your friends everyday and doing as you please, it will all change and your childhood will dissappear when you have a child, my lifes gone from a 15 year olds to a 30year olds in a day. Enjoy it while it lasts sweetie. Fun mail me if you want to chat :)

Answer #7

to be honest I think you should have it. if all that stuff really happened, then I really believe its a sign from above! as long you treat the baby right and make sure the baby has a good life.. then go for it. but if you arent going to be responsible then dont do it. its not worth it if you arent ready

Answer #8

Best Plan: education, ring, date, marriage, get financially stable, then baby…Take care !!

Answer #9 a mother of 2 and I think you should wait just by me c and a lot of yung mothers where I live.wait til uve graduated and have sum kinda money cumin n.n if you like 2 b out and hang wit your frynes a lot.just wait…cus trust me I c it dae ya c em pregnant tha nex they back runnin tha streetzz.not sayn thada b you but trust me its more than wha chu think

Answer #10

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!       I’ll apologize in advance. This is a post that I posted to someone else. I think it has a lot of valid points, so I’m simply posting it to provide information for you to consider. Please don’t take offense to it.

“I am 15 and I want a baby. So do I what to do?”

Go to bed with a male and have sex. Do this frequently for a month and you are almost certain to become pregnant.

In nine months (when you are 16) you will have a baby. It won’t be a toy that you can discard when times for its attention aren’t convenient for you. It will be demanding and will tax your time and attention.

You will have to drop out of school to give the necessary attention to your child (unless you have a very loving mother who is willing and able to assist you) and you will find that the lack of a high school diploma will come back to haunt you.

You will also find that having a baby interferes with your social life. A lot of your friends will disappear because you and they will be living in “different worlds” and you no longer fit into their social scene.

Then we come to your boy friend. He either becomes less interested in you because a child doesn’t fit into his plans and social life, or he attempts to fulfill his role as a father by getting a job (at the expense of further education) and providing for his new “family”.

Because of his lack of a good education he may be required to take second-rate jobs. Maybe his income alone won’t be sufficient for the needs of the family so you will be required to work too which will create hardships for the child and will lead to family (relationship) problems between you and and your boy friend.

Then there’s the possibility down the road that your boy friend comes to the conclusion that he has bitten off more than he can chew and he leaves (deserts) you and the child.

Or maybe as the child is growing you and/or your boy friend take it out on the child for the fact that you’ve missed out on some of the best times of your lives by having a child prematurely.

True, you, and maybe even your boy friend, may think right now that you and he are able to work things out and overcome all obstacles. That’s a nice dream but the facts and life are against the two of you at such young ages and lack of worldly experience.

The two of you would be many times better off if you wait until you are in your early twenties. That really isn’t so long a wait and it does give both of you a lot more time to get to know each other and life itself.

We often want what we want, right now! But, if we get it right now we often times aren’t really ready for it.

Demonstrate your maturity by giving it time and growing in those ways and with those lessons that are going to serve you for the rest of you’re lives – which will be a very long time.

To sum it up, quit being selfish. Think about what’s best for that potential human being’s NEEDS – not what simply satisfies your current WANTS.

        i hope you do not take offense,         To that that’s gone before;         ’Tis only that it’s my two-cents,         And not one penny more. §;o)

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