Baby's haven baby's

Is it just me and I know there are loads of members on here but there is also loads of baby’s who are haven baby’s like 13/14 years old and it really winds me up does it get to any one else on here or am I just being selfish I do have 2 children what I wanted and planned for and it took me ages to have one of them and these little girls seem to fall the very first time.

Answer #1

Yeah Ok! this is stupid. you dont know what your talking about. until your in there shoes so until haveing a 13/14 yr old exsperiance stfu!

Answer #2

NO she will not because I will now where she is at all times

No you wont.. How did you get pregnant? Did your mom know where you were at? There is no way of saying shes not gunna come home pregnant because you simply dont know

Answer #3

yes I will my daughter is a very good girl and she knows right from wrong my mum knew where I was at all times and all my children where planed and wanted and when I got pregnant I was old enough to be haven sex

Answer #4

Okay I think what you just said is your opinion. NO what everyone just said is an opinion. and its rude to girls who dont mean to get pregnant. and babys havin babys… not kewl!

Answer #5

if they don’t mean to get pregnant then they should use something to stop it rude or not it is my opinion and I think it is wrong

Answer #6

There are 30 year olds on welfare having babies they should not have. Age is not a factor, stability is. (And it is annoying to write in all caps.)

Answer #7


Answer #8


Answer #9

Yes, Girls these days got fast. They need to sit down somewhere and keep their legs close. But its not a bad thing. I mean it is nature. And its their descision.

Answer #10

“I think every teen pregnancy is circumstantial so you cant just say that no teens should get pregnant or every teen should”

yeah, sorry, but I can, kids whose mothers were teens are at risk for a host of problems… including all sorts of emotional and behavioral disorders… teens shouldnt be parents, end of story… and what I want to know is how you’re earning enough to pay rent, pay for food, pay for baby stuff, pay for day care, and go to school… unless grandparents are helping out… or maybe the government? and if they are, well sorry, but you’re not taking care of your kid, the kids grandparents are or the government is…

Answer #11

I was 15 when I got pregnant, and now I’m 16. I take care of my baby, and it’s a bunch of bull when people say that children can’t take care of babies. I raise my baby the way I want to, I go to school, I work, and I raise her. F*ck all of ya’ll who are putting teens down for being pregnant. Half of the people who answered this question were probably pregnant in their teens somewhere, just wasn’t responsible enough to keep it.

BTW: my mama thought she knew where I was too. haha. and I’m a good girl, and I know right from wrong, but that didn’t stop me from having sex. (:

Answer #12

Uhm sorry, but I dont have to shoot someone to know it’s a really stupid thing to do… one does not have to walk a mile in another shoes to necessarily know something is stupid. Are some 13 year olds better mothers than some 30 year olds? Absolutely. That just means that some 30 year olds should never have been parents. No 13 year old is equipped to take of a child in a western society because no 13 year old is able to support themselves with a job… Which means its either the grandparents really supporting the kid (you know diapers cost money) or the state welfare… either way, not teenager should be having kids… oh and if you’re trying not to sound immature and clueless, try to check you spelling, and not end with the proverbial stick out of the tongue…

Answer #13

I agree with demikarayray I was 18 when I had my first child even tho I had a full time job and the dad was around it was still hard so I don’t see how a 13year old could be a better mother when she will not even be able to support the baby I am now 29 and have 2 more children all with the same man and yes he is still around and I do still find it hard I just hope to god my daughter don’t come home pregnant at 13. NO she will not because I will now where she is at all times

Answer #14

Well I think its stupid like if these young girls think they are old enough to have sex then they should be smart enough to go get some birth control. I was 17 when I had my first child and you know what those were the hardest frist two years ever I thought I could have died I was so stressed out now im 21 truning 22 right away and have two wounderful children. I tell you some of the storys I have would make these babys having babys think twice about spreading there legs agian. Yours truly, Demika Ray

Answer #15

It happens. Surprisingly some 13 year olds are better moms than 30yr olds. I was taking care of my brother and sister at age 8. My mom and dad would go off to work at night and I stayed with my sister who was a few months old and my brother was 1 yr old. I was more of a mom to them. Age doesnt matter at all. Sh!t happens and we cant help it. Them having the baby is showing how mature they actually are.. Lots of teens take the easy way out which is abortion.. :)

Answer #16

thankyou someone that understands where I am coming from

Answer #17

like I just said yummy mummy. It’s your oppinion so maybe not everyone wants to hear about It! Rude or not. Nobodys perfect!!’

Answer #18

ohkayy; yo know what?? im 14 and im 2 weeks pregnant. I know I havent had my baby yet..but I am sure as h3l! I will be a much better mother then you haters on this. your stupid! you have no idea how hard it was for me and my boyfriend to decide we where gonna keep it. you dont know what ill go through..and no im not stupid! I was immature, but I know better then that now, and a lot of parents think they know where their kids are, and theyre really off somewhere else…so just cause they tell you they’re somewhere, it doesnt necissarrily mean thats really where they are. and I am not selfish or a bad person for having this baby; I am just a lot stronger then most teenagers would be…and some guys do stick around for their familys.durr.. I will love my baby, and take care of it perfectlyy!! oh and yummymummy, I was also a good girl!! ahaha, and my mom knew where I was tooo sooo whattt nowww hhhooo*!!!

Answer #19

agreed with ty

*I am a fourteen year old and I am expecting a baby

everyone who says that teens cant have kids or be good parents, that is so offensive. I think that as long as two people love eachother, can truely support the baby, and will always love that baby; what’s wrong with getting pregnant at a young age?*

How can you TRULY support a baby if you don’t have a job? Oh and what about EDUCATION - teenagers haven’t even finished school yet.? Money isn’t everything when it comes to children. Too bad so little people notice it.

Also just because you love someone doesn’t mean you should breed.

yeah there are so many girls who do that and simply cannot handle it and end up ruining their lives, but like others said they had a child at a young age and everything turned out fine.

Really? most of them say that it was hell difficult and they DO NOT recommend it, strange how people leave out that part.

Hi im 15 and prgnant and I didnt want to b a mommy diz earli in my life but it happend my child is gift..I do agree that 13 is to yung to become a mother thatz crazy yea im yung but not that yung

I don’t like stepping on toes, but are you SERIOUS? you can’t even spell properly. Of course you’re too young, but what’s done is done, so no reason in preaching to you.

I was 15 when I got pregnant, and now I’m 16. I take care of my baby, and it’s a bunch of bull when people say that children can’t take care of babies. I raise my baby the way I want to, I go to school, I work, and I raise her. Fck all of ya’ll who are putting teens down for being pregnant. Half of the people who answered this question were probably pregnant in their teens somewhere, just wasn’t responsible enough to keep it.*

Since you are making that point, I was NEVER pregnant and find it SELFISH and immature of children to have children. How can you educate a baby emotionally when you’re not fully emotionally developed in your teens? And you’re suppose to ALREADY have the education, not obtain it while being pregnant.

BTW: my mama thought she knew where I was too. haha. and I’m a good girl, and I know right from wrong, but that didn’t stop me from having sex. (

You might have known right from wrong, but you were obviously UNEDUCATED since you didn’t use protection, or didn’t know how to use it properly.

I still stand with my opinion, babies shouldn’t have babies, you need money, and education and be emotionally ready - I’ve yet to see a teen that will be able to provide all that on their own.

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