baby promblems

ok me and my boyfrined are trying to have a baby but nothing is working…I mean I never thought it would be hard :( its really starting to take a toll on me im always depressed and to make matters worse I keep starting my period early …like I was suppose to start the 14th then I started the 12 and now I just started today which is the 7th so wtf? please somebody help me pleasse and explain to me what is going on

Answer #1

Firstly periods are not like clockwork for a lot of people. They can be all over the place for many reasons such as; change in diet, change in mood/hormonal, change in lifestlye, change in medication.

I was reading that women are finding it increasingly harder to conceive now a days. Probably a lot to do with all the junk and chemicals were are exposed to in this new age.

I could go in to the whole; “you’re only 19 why do you want a child at your age” but you probably won’t listen so I wont mention it.

It can take the average couple up to a year to conceive and there’s no wonder; the female body takes badly to sperm. Sperm is a foregien object to the womans cervix and there are many chemicals that break down and kill the sperm as they are not recognised. Some might say thats a bit of a hitch in the “making of the human being” but that’s how it is.

When you stress over wanting a child it can more often that not result in lowering the chances of conception therfore try not to think about it. Experts say that you need not have hundreds of sexual encounters in order to try to conceive. They actually say that 3-4 times a week is ample amount for trying couples.

If after a few months you still not conceived I would seek doctors advice. You will probably get lots of little checks like ovary health, sperm counts, blood pressure and all the rest of it.

Answer #2

It also depends on if you were on birth control previously and many other things…

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