Baby gone mad

How do I get my infant to nap!!

Answer #1

rock him or her, lay them down on their belly and pat their back. cuddle them and if their still taking a bottle give them a bottle. Or put them in routine and they’ll get used to taking naps that way. Lavendar helps too.

Answer #2

I have a four month old and it was very difficult to get mine to nap but finally I put him on a schedule and descided I was going to do nap time around 1. So I frist started off by feeding him and then rocking him to bed and then after a week of doin that he started falling asleep about the same time everyday. It’s so nice b/c it gives you some personal time to yourself. Personally I think it’s a bad habbit to sleep with your kids.

Answer #3

my kids never took naps. it seems if they did they didn’t go to bed at night. but maybe laying down with them for awhile. It will be good for you too. if they are very young like infant as you say. lay em down after they have eaten and tell em to shut their eyes. they are smarter than you think. give em a toy. leave the room.

Answer #4

stick to it sooner or later the kid will give up and just fall asleep :P

Good luck!

Answer #5

put them in their crib, close the door and ignore their crying until they go to sleep. works for my nephews

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