Baby goat!

My neighbors goat had a baby and it seems pretty healthy(the neighbor lets me treat the goats like their mine) do you have any tips or advice on how to keep it healthy and living?

Answer #1

they are somewat like dogs play with them a lot feed them to or three times a day have like a tree or some rocks to climb on make sure there rn’t ANY holes in any fences you are using to fence them in they will get out I should know … :p

Answer #2

goats are some of the most rugged animals we will have. they do well enough alone. the main thing you have to worry about are natural predators.

We had goats growing up in Mexico.. very smart creatures

Answer #3

I had bum Nubian goat when I was young…she was SO cute!…I fed her on a bottle along with the bum lambs…They’re pretty darn sturdy, just make sure it’s suckling, and is warm, and it’ll be fine.


Answer #4

Pay a lot of attention to it as well, some baby goats can get shy and not let you near them if you don’t pay enough attention to them. Goats are some of the funnest animals aren’t they?

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