Why are babies baptised?

why is that whe a baby is born the get baptised???

Answer #1

Some Christians religions (Catholics, Lutherans, etc.) baptise infants because it is considered the circumcision of the New Testament. Basically, some denominations believe that it’s a way to welcome the child into the church and faith and to wash away sin.

Answer #2

apparently babies are not born pure (no human being is born pure), they are instead born with the stain of original sin (…eating the apple from the tree of good and evil) already on their soul. the baptism washes away the original sin and leaves the baby pure according to their religion. anywho, my view is that it is mostly ritual or tradition to baptize… but I don’t understand it because they can’t REALLY expect that baby to know what’s going on. I don’t personally believe it is unbiblical, but I think someone should be baptized at an age (after accepting christ) when you know what it means, so it can actually be an act upon faith in christ.

Answer #3

Tradition. It’s idiotic to me, why wouldn’t you let the child decide whether to be sucked into religion or not?

Answer #4

In my church babies don’t get babtized. You get baptized when you are ready and understand the meaning of it. So i can’t say with a positive fact why churches do that.

Answer #5

It is a way of cleansing them of the original sin and its a compromise that the family will theach the baby Catholism and to love God.

Answer #6

What if the baby dies before it’s old enough? According to the bible their souls would be d@mned for eternity becuz they were not baptized, and they were to young to accept Christ. It’s more reassuring for the parents than anything really. Just becuz the child was baptized doesn’t automatically means it can’t decide to follow another religion when it’s old enough to think for itself. Its more reassuring for the parents than anything.

Answer #7

What if the baby dies before it’s old enough? According to the bible their souls would be d@mned for eternity becuz they were not baptized, and they were to young to accept Christ. It’s more reassuring for the parents than anything really. Just becuz the child was baptized doesn’t automatically means it can’t decide to follow another religion when it’s old enough to think for itself. Its more reassuring for the parents than anything.

Answer #8

Well with my Christian religion we try and follow as closely to the bible as we can, which differs us from a lot of the bigger Christian churches. We have the same opinion you have. You get baptised when you understand what it means and when you want to remove all your past wrongs and truly become a child of god. If a baby dies, God wont just toss it to hell. Because what sin could a baby have done? None, which gives it no reason to go to hell. SINNERS go to hell. Be baptised and pray for forgiveness for past sins, thats how we clear our sins. And a baby cannot sin, it doesnt know what its doing. Therefore, theres no need to baptise a child until they want it.

Answer #9

I was baptised and i plan to get unbaptised. I feel as if I have been forced into a religion and i just think the whole thing is wrong. I’m an atheist and think the whole idea of a baby being baptised when they dont even know what god means is just so wrong.

Answer #10

to earse the original sin

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