Watcheddd this film awake?

I just watcheddd this film awake About a guy who wakes up during heart sugery Omg im so scared I never want an opporation ! Has anyone else ever seen it ?


Answer #1

actually that was based on a true story.. Um you see some people feel everything but are paralyzed and cant do anything… but nothing to fear.. Theres not a lot of people like that.. about 100 outta everyone on the planet? (rough guesstimate.. google it for accuracy)

Answer #2

what movii is that??? cause I kinda wanna watch it XD

Answer #3

gud movie … but scary…

Answer #4

Yeah its terrible lying awake while they operate on u.

Answer #5

I think it can…I would sue the hell outta the doctor if that ever happened…

Answer #6

Scary movie…but not real…don’t let TV rot your brain…

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