Who here actually believes in the "end of days" this saturday?

Personally I think those religon crazed folk are being stupid again, but each to their own. Just for lolz, lets see who thinks this is Bullsh!t, and who auctaly believes in this.

Answer #1

that is such crap..people have nothing better else to fo with their time i swear

Answer #2

I agree with you. They said the same thing a while ago, I saw a video of the same dude and his ‘followers’ stading outside a church or something with bibles… and no jesus. it made me laugh :)

Answer #3

lolz thats funny…they are a bunch goofies haha

Answer #4

I know I’m probably going to get some backlash for this, but I see this “prophecy” as no more ridiculous than believing in a man that was born of a virgin, raised the dead, and came back to life himself. People can choose to believe what they will. I think many religions have ridiculous beliefs and this particular example strikes me as no different.

Answer #5

u wont get backlash for each their own. I personally DO believe in Christ but thats just me…

Answer #6

I dont believe that the world is coming to an end this Saturday…if it does…then I am Marry Poppins & I will fly away on my umbrella & escape the end…up up above…where the birds fly…:P

Answer #7

The Bible says: “No man shall know the day or the hour” that the lord shall return. It also completely describes what will happen in revalation. I don’t condone people trying to interpret and “say” this is the end of days, but I do believe that they wiil come. Read, think about it and then decide.

Answer #8

You are right it does say that & perhaps it might happen some day…I am not denying that… but not this Saturday! A little birdy whispered to me that it wasnt going to be this Saturday…that is all I know!

Answer #9

What the worlds gonna end this saterday!?

Answer #10

no well kinda well apparently Judgement day is this Saturday and that means jesus or something coming and taking his followers to heaven then killling everyone else? i dont know ahhaha i asked this last night haha

Answer #11

I’m glad you found what makes you happy. I don’t really have anything against religion as an idea. In fact I think many religions have beautiful aspects to them, and sometimes its the only thing for some to hold on to. I just think that we should give these people a break. I mean, who are we to say their belief is more ridiculous than our own? Its bad enough that they will probably wake up on Sunday morning felling quite foolish….I don’t think they will need our ridicule as well.

Answer #12

:) i know right? Sunday is going to be hard for some people :( i do think judgement day will come but this weekend? thats toooo hard to process hhaha

Answer #13

I haven’t heard of this prediction… what’s happening to us all now?

Answer #14

if u search May 21 2011 ul get results on judgement day

Answer #15

Ah, so on the 21st, Jesus will come down and take all of the good people to Heaven and the rest of us will be sucked into Hell? Okay cool.

Answer #16

I don’t believe this theory.

Answer #17

I agree with you. I mean c’mon, a virgin? we all know shes not that innocent ;) I mean what did you THINK she was doing all those hours locked in her room? Praying? pfft. xD haha. No offence Taylor, I just don’t believe in this.

Answer #18

I agree with you. I mean c’mon, a virgin? we all know shes not that innocent ;) I mean what did you THINK she was doing all those hours locked in her room? Praying? pfft. xD haha. No offence Taylor, I just don’t believe in this.

Answer #19

haha, well me and my bald unicorn fluffy, we’re going to go to hell, get caught on fire, then go up to heaven, take Jesus’s beard, poke him, and then fly away to the land of blueberries.

Answer #20

ok, wait a sec, that didnt make sense…if you are already burning up in hell who is going to let you out to go up to heaven to take Jesus’s beard then poke him & fly off? once you in hell they plan a party for ya & get ya all drunk so you you cant leave…you just want to party! You cant get passed the gates…let alone to a land of blueberries…btw should be quite a tasty land if I may say so myself with all them blueberries just laying there all over the place. Too too funny! :P

Answer #21

haha, no way, my fluffy will beat down the ‘pearly gates of heaven’.. and lets be honest, we all know Jesus goes downtown to party with satian on friday night ;) I mean the guys gotta have a little fun

Answer #22

you dont have too….

Answer #23

just as you don’t have to agree with me :) Its ok, we have diffrent views :3

Answer #24

The sad part is that they are disappointed that the world didnt end. Even if they are sad because they were looking forward to an eternity with their creator, and now they forsaken. First of all, God created us to have a relationship with him right here, right now. If you are waiting for rapture for this to happen, then you are missing out.

 If the only relationship you can build with God is a tangible end-of-the-world one, then you lack faith. Faith is a relationship with God that is spiritual and fourth dimensional, not physical/ three dimensional.
Answer #25

the man who said it was that day is telling people he miss interpreted it and thta Judgment day is on October 21st now… just saying lol

Answer #26

too too funny! :P

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