Attitude with the boyfriend

So I have been with my boyfriend for almost 11 months now. And I love him so much. But I do get an attitude with him and I get mad real easily with him and sometimes hit him [[not hard]]… And I just dont know how to control my anger or my attititude with him. He never gets mad at me or yells at me or anything. But he always takes my crap. My mom told me today that she feels sorry for him because of what I put him through. And she told me that one day he is going to reach his limit with me. He told me even his family knows I get crabby easily and thats what bothered me most. I just want to know how I can control myself because I hate yelling at him and I feel so bad afterwards. I just get out of control sometimes. He is very good about it though. Any help or ideas?

Answer #1

whenever you get out of control…think of the causes that can happen if you go too far. if you go to far, he might want to break up with you. just relax and take a deep breath and let whatever it is that gets you upset..go(: and just be nicer and do nice things for him. but I think that you should really stop going out of control. one day he wont be able to stand it anymore. it sounds like he deals with it great…but one day…he wont be able to keep his calm anymore

Answer #2

Data exactly how I was with my boyfriend of 7months…don’t do that anymore because my boyfriend broke up with me because of that…and it’s been 5months and I want him back sooo badlyp

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