Attention wiccans

Can someone give me a website where I can find the history of wicca

Answer #1

Depends, are looking for modern or original? I can link you to the modern roots of it. However, the original roots aren’t so easy to find. There’s a book(only limited copies, I don’t believe there’s anymore than 10, 4 if I recall correctly) that will speak of a tribe call Hu Wika(spelling it how it sounds here). An ancient philosopher recorded information about them in his journals. They were slaughtered when they stood their ground against the Romans, when the Romans were driving the Celtics northward. They did practice sacrifice, unlike modern wicca, and I’ld assume had practices rooted in Celtic practices.

Modern Wicca, well, to me it's nothing more than a child's game so it would seem. A lot of feminist mar the original belief of a Goddess AND a God(you ned both male and female aspects to create life, and for true balnce, so it was believed) with just the worship of  Goddess(Dainic). Within the past 50 years of it's "resurfacing"(I believe Gerald Gardener just brought about a new religion under an ancient name really) there have been dozens of new traditions of Wiccan made up-such as Gardener("original"), Alexandrian, Dainic, Circles, Seax, "British Tradition" and even Fairie, "Egyptian". Really, the only thing the modern Wiccan and ancient share the possible celebrations of Celtic festivals. Even the gods and goddesses are marred with ancient Roman and Greek, however some still worship the Celtic gods. There's no longer any fine lines s to what is wicca and what isn't.
Many Wiccans(note, I didn't say all, or even half) claim it to be the very first religion when it was no where near even the third. Pantheism was the first known religion, wicca being one of the off shoots.
I've split my knowledge with you, you can take it or leave it.

Here’s a link for more information on modern wicca

you can also try Wiki

Answer #2

oh well then its a good thing wiccans believe in a goddess and god that do not detest witchraft, thank goodness im not christian then, whew! I really dont care if the christian god detests me, my own goddesses and gods dont.

Answer #3

God detests witchcraft. Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 18:10-12, “There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord.”

Answer #4

hmmm…well there are some websites that gave me a lot of information, but they actually teach you like an online class, so you can sign up (its free) and just read the first couple lessons on history of wicca, its

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