Asking him

Okay, I’m 13 and I’ve like this guy since like the end of 6th grade. Last year, I REALLY started to like him so I tried asking him to a dance he said he doesn’t really go to dances which I assumed meant no. This year I’m in 8th grade and there’s a halloween dance coming up, and I’m thinking of asking him again. We’re really good friends and I talk to him quite often. Do you think I should go for it again? How do I convince him to try going to one of the dances? Please help. It’s a pretty big deal for me. You were 13 once or you’ve gone through a situation like this. Any advice will help. Thanx.

Answer #1

well, Im 13. And I’d probably, ask if he was going, Then if he says no, ask why, and then be like come on ! pretty please < 3 ! its soo funn!, go with mee?! or somethinq, so its like flirty & cute & stuff [: haha (:

Answer #2

Ask him and say short and simple that people normally don’t dance at school dances anyways, they just jump and scream! lol but flirt with him a little and tell him you were hoping for a slow dance, I know it sounds hard but you will feel better afterwards!

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