asking a guy out

There is this guy, who I happen to like. We’re in the same clubs together, and we’re in the same science class. It’s not like we never talk, because we do. I want to ask him out but, am too shy and afraid of rejection.

My brother knows him and when I asked my brother if I had a chance with him he said “You’re not pretty enough”. I mean it seems like he likes me but, no one’s ever sure.

What I’m asking is, how can I ask him out? Is there any way I ask him if he’s interested in me without being so obvious?.

Answer #1

If you really want to ask him but aren’t sure bring up something in a course of conversatition like…. “You know I heard this is a really great movie too bad none of my friends want to go.” If he is interested this will show it. If he completely ignores the remark then he probably isn’t interested in you. By the way this works best if its a movie he’ll be interested in too ^^. Now this doesn’t mean its a date but it can lead to a date and also provides an opening for him to ask you. Another good one if you want to be a little more bold is “I happen to be free this afternoon, are you up for a smoothie?” This is a great way to get him away from a group and also is a great lead in to see if he’s up for you asking him out. They aren’t actual dates but to a guy when your spending one on one time with a girl it is.

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