Army alphabet

Does anyone know the military alphabert? These are the ones I know: A- alpha B-betha C- D- delta E- echo F- fox What are the othes?

Answer #1

That alphabet is also used internationally by air traffic control/aviation as well as English.

Answer #2

That’s the phonetic alphabet

Answer #3

beta is the greek alphabet

Answer #5

Golf, hotel, india, julliete, kilo, lima, mike, november, oscar, papa, quebec, romeo, sierria, tango, uniform, whiskey, x-ray, yankee, zula

Answer #6

alpha bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel india juliet kilo lima mike november oscar papa quebek romeo sierra tango uniform victor whisky xray yanky zooloo

this is used in the british army. hubby was a soldier, and I used to use it all the time when I worked in a call centre - really annoyed me people going ‘erm, S for su-ger’

me and hubby used to send texts and letters using it when he was in iraq xD

Answer #7

Sooitca has it right on her answer above to 100% correct.Plus Im just as sure Myself for My father was a lifer,for you civialians that means he made the Military his career.

Answer #8

f- foxtrot c-charlie u-uniform v-victor w-whisky t-tango z-zulu x-xray l-lima m-mike n-november o-oscar r-romeo j-juliet I-india h-hotel g-golf k-kilo p-papa q-quebec s-sierra y-yankee

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