Are you With me on This?

Ok so lets say some random person emailed you saying mean stuff about you. Now in my opinion I would NOT spazz out at them back because then they are originally getting what they wanted - trying to make me mad. So I would act normal and mellow, trying not to flip out. So then she’s obviously not getting what he/she wanted.

I think that’s a good thing to do. Are you with me on this?

Answer #1

I had some of that too and told the person “nice talkin’ to ya”. This person just said “no it wasn’t” . No need to get mad at the derogatory “stuff” I got from the immature person.

Answer #2

dont cuss her out thats probably what she wants then she’ll print what you said take it to her mom and then you’ll get in trouble just stay low

Answer #3

If it’s on our site, hit the “report abuse” we get a copy of the fun mail, investigate the account and either give them a warning, disable them, or delete them.

Elsewhere…well, just ignore it.

Answer #4

Thats pretty much I would do. But I would also laughhh, lol. I think thats hilarious when people do that, and actually their just embarrasing them elves bc they only have the small little balls to do that nonsese online and not in person. Usually if someone does that to me I just put “haha, is that all?(:” Its pisses them off and im just finee(:

Answer #5

im 100% with you on that…lol or you could say that if she dont stop that ull eat their unborn baby…lol jkjk

Answer #6

A+ for you ! This shows a sign of growing/prospering/maturity I agree

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