Are you racist, why?

Who do you choose to be or not to be racist??? I think it is dumb…to be racist. we’re all here, for the saem reason, we may be different. But that doesn matter.

Answer #1

I’m not racist but I know a lot of people that are. My own father being the worst.

Answer #2

I don’t know why people now a days have to be racist or anything. I don’t know what the intentions are but, there is no reason to judge people by skin, color, the way they act, dress, or speak. I don’t like to judge because its discriminating, and its also very disrespectful. I know allot of people in parts of the country love to do allot of stereotyping and, its not good. (In fact, I’m discussing this kind of topic in my college class which is speech). In speech in college, we’re focusing allot on this topic. So, no, I’m not racist.

Answer #3

im not racist, I have wide variety of friends, of course…my neighbor is a racist pants

Answer #4

im not racist, but I think that sum people just have a lil hatred in side of them. for examle, im black, and when I watch old movies w/ white people treating black people like sh*t it really pisses me off! does that make sence?? but then I’ve just got to remember that that was then and this is now! but truly im not racist!

Answer #5

I’ve got black and mexican friends, im not racist. but I don’t like those Jihad mother f*ckers in the middle east, not because of skin color. But just because of how stupid they are, ALLAH IS GREAT, AKBAR BOOOM. they can all die for all I care.

Answer #6

racism is pointless it shudnt matter what colour or race you r or where you come from everyone shud be given a chance and everyone has the right to be here a black person just as much as a white person, an indian person just as much as a mexican person, a chinese person as much a french person. diversity in race is what makes our world so special that there are different people whereever you go and the great thing about london is there is like people with tons of different races, cultures, skin colours, religions, traditions and its so interesting to learn about them all.

Answer #7

Im not racist but in my area I lnow more black racist then white racist

Answer #8

No, I’m not racist. But I do despise willful stupidity.

Answer #9


Answer #10

im not a racist. I think racist are stupid.

Answer #11

Everyone has their own point of views of people. I am not racist, but to me there are… lets say white people and there are white trash people. Personaly I do not like white trash people. Like the ones that live on welfare and have a billion kids and don’t take care of them.

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