Are spell books evil?

Are spell books and witchcraft… of the devil and evil and stuff? Cause I really want to get one and im interested in witch craft, but not if its evil

Answer #1

witchcraft is like ying and yang I suppose theres negative ad posatives to it as all faiths have negatives and posatives, it is a severly misunderstood practice, its all about your personal intention, if you want to do good with magic then its ment for good, if you want to do bad with witchcraft then your intentions are ment to corrupt, its all down to the witch/ warlock/ socerer/ socrcesress at the end of the day, for example wiccans will only use magic andwitchcraft for the good of mankind and good for themselves (the right handed path) so no its not all evil at all its all to do with the mind and intentions of the practitioner, and what practice you do


Answer #2

the bible is a 2000 year old book that has no collabration and no proof of validy.

sonshinehethr: youve got it all wrong while your at it look up where we should beat children with rods and kill men with long hair or have nothing to do with a girl on her period cause shes spiritualy unclean. thats in the bible too.

Answer #3

Definitely an evil influence - research, any part glorify God ?

Considering Christianity and Paganism share religious festivals (Take Christmas for example), does that make parts of Christianity evil too?

Answer #4

Yes, it is..I’m sorry.

Answer #5

Do you honestly think they’d sell real spell books to the public?

Answer #6

They’re not evil, they’re just ineffective. That stuff is nonsense.

* the bible it says anyone who practice witchcraft shall not enter into the kindtom of heaven

The Bible was written by superstitious ancient men who actually believed in witchcraft. It’s nonsense too.

Answer #7

Definitely an evil influence - research, any part glorify God ?

Answer #8

To those who don’t believe, have you actually went out of your way to ask for a demonstration? & Not from those would be carnival freaks either, & screw that TV bullsht(if those pl were really strong enough to blow lights & other such things they wouldn’t be able to be recorded for the camera would blow too). I hate to disagree with you todaly, but I’ve witnessed certain feats that are unusual & unexplanable. Hell, I’ve turned complete nonbelievers into full out believers that now want to practice(go figure, -_- sigh*). As my mother always says people will see what they want to see. If you don’t want to see the paranormal then people wont see it, they maybe witness it, but they wont see it. If people do then they will, even if it’s not truly paranormal they’ll close off the sight of a scientific explanation. That’s why it is important to keep an open mind, leveled & well balanced, don’t go looking for things but don’t shut yourself up either, & don’t ignore what cannot be explained. …not a fricken clue where the hell I’m going with this now so I’m going to shut the hell up while I’m a head.

& a little note I should of mentioned in my last comment, magick is niether good or evil, it all depends on the practitioner. Best of luck to you.

Answer #9

Of course - they sell books about anything you can think of pretty much. Just check out your local book stores :)

Answer #10

to each their own I do respect your viwes toadaly

Answer #11

not everyone believes in Jesus

Answer #12

if you belive in gods word the bible it says anyone who practice witchcraft shall not enter into the kindtom of heaven

Answer #13

Toadaly:But when cornered, their answers are no different from the types of evidence believers in faith healing give

What evidence? Bible is man made and it condems this of course. You have no idea what makes anything work.

To an outsider, it’s obviously special pleading combined with selective evidence.

Yes, you are an outsider and it does work. If you wern’t such a bible thumper you would try it. The evidence is not selected it there,all around you as you read this.

Answer #14

Give me a break of all this bible crap! It was Written by man, it has been disprove countless times, & misinterpreted & mistranslated. If you really want a source of evil look up the bible’s history, read the bible! It’s a malicious grim book of macabre & terror, yet people wave it around as if it’s a holy aspect of divinity. It’s lead to sacrificing & killing, murders, slaughters, & “holy crusades” of blood shed.

No it’s not evil & no where near it. It’s of the old ways, older than any biblical religion. Though do not get a spell book, first study about the practice. Eventually when you are ready get a spell book of simple healing’s & meditations. I personally recommend The Mystery Library:Witches By Stuart A. Kallen Remember the law of =exchange, you get what you put into it. You’ll learn more when you read about it. But don’t go into doing spells & rituals without knowing what you’re doing first. It can be dangerous at times, & if you do not know how to properly protect yourself, well it may not turn out pretty. Like I said, learn what you’re doing first. Funmail me & I may help you.

Answer #15

* But from 8 years expirence it dose work

Jester, I’m not surprised you think it works. I’ve talked to lots of Wiccans about magick, and they all say the same thing. But when cornered, their answers are no different from the types of evidence believers in faith healing give (I’ve talked to lots of them as well). To an outsider, it’s obviously special pleading combined with selective evidence.

Answer #16

As a wiccan I have taken an outh never to use black magic magic or sometimes spelled magick isn’t evil nor good its what the caster makes it. However I would highly suggets finding someone who knows what there doing and see if they will teach you. if you have any questoins about it fun mail me and ill tell you anything you wouyld like to know

Answer #17

the13thclamDo you honestly think they’d sell real spell books to the public? Yes one of the 13 goals of a wiccan is to learn and share knowldge Magic isnt something where all you do is say some words in a certain order. Its about learning to move and influence energy to, hopefuly, good and helpful means. You can say spells out loud all day but w/o the mental state and meditation its useless

toadalyThat stuff is nonsense Suprizly that makes me less mad than the ones that say its evil. But from 8 years expirence it dose work

Answer #18

as a child I got carried away with this stuff and YES they are evil, the Bible warns about this stuff–and I had to go thru deliverace when I became a christian…stay away from it no matter what ANYONE says!!! it opens doors to things you don’t want in your life, if you don’t believe me, believe God…go to the Bible and look up witchcraft, sorcery, meduims, et cetera. God has the power and belonging you desire and He can take you on greater adventures that you ever dreamed possible, ask HIM–not people or spirits (who, btw are not the dead–but demons in disguise) BE SAFE!!! STAY AWAY!!!

Answer #19

oh yeah and if you choose the right handed path (wiccan) white witchcraft then may I recommend a book called ‘The Wiccan Handbook’ by Eileen Holland, its dam good its what got me started, has a few simple spells and all the correspondents, alos with wiccan holidays/celebrations witches tools e.c.t

Answer #20

witchcraft is a reflection of what you put into it- it is neither dark or light- if you wish to follow the wiccan code- “do what you will, as long as it harms none” you will be fine. pagan rituals have been around since the dawn of time, and teach us to revere nature in all her glory. the “evil” connotation did not arrive until “christianity” was invented. and christianity has “stolen” much from paganism over the centuries. the devil does not exist in my wiccan beliefs, it is a christian misrepresentation of the horned god of the forest. as long as you are not seeking to curse or harm someone- you should be fine with purchasing a book on the subject, but take the time to truly study every aspect of witchcraft- there are elements that are not for beginners.

“blessed be”

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