are these rules fair?

at my school we can’t wear tank tops,cant wear hats,cant have a bra strap showing,cant wear skirts above our knees,no bare midriff,no back even exposed a little, dances must heve like 10 chaperones(which is a lot for a 60 kid middle shorts above knees do you think these rules are fair?

Answer #1

Showing off all of your body to everyone is gAaayy. Leaving something to the imagination is cool! And the rule about hats has been around forever. It is supposed to be disrespectful to wear a hat inside “anywhere”. Never have gotten that one myself. Church yes, anywhere else—not so much.

Answer #2

those rules happen in most schools, I know it happens in mine. that’s life. the rule I don’t agree with is wearing hats because how is wearing a hat going to affect ya education but the other rules seem fair.

Answer #3

Yes it’s fair. It’s school - not a party. There is no reason for half of your body to be showing.

Answer #4

Sorry, but I agree with many of the replies- school is a place for buckling down and studying, not partying. One thing at a time.

As you’ll see from many of the questions that get asked, a lot of high school students have problems concentrating - and then when they leave school, it’s not easy to get a good job, or get into college.

So I’d say: when you’re at school, concentrate on your classes and forget about being irritated by the rules. That’ll make life easier later on.

Answer #5

Showing off all of your body to everyone is gAaayy. Leaving something to the imagination is cool! And if you look. Only 2 replies are adults. The rest are your peers, and they agree with us—except 1 after u. And the rule about hats has been around forever. It is supposed to be disrespectful to wear a hat inside “anywhere”. Never have gotten that one myself. Church yes, anywhere else—not so much.

Answer #6

hmm I think there’s a middle ground between exposure and only to your husband attitude… and yes I think the school’s rules are perfectly reasonable… I wonder why the “adults” think that… because I guess actually being on this earth longer than 13 years makes us all stupid? and to that, all I have to say is get over your I’m all alone no one gets me attitude and grow up…

Answer #7

No reason period, accept on your wedding night and following experiences.

Answer #8

not really fair, but my school is the same except you’re not allowed to wear shorts at all.

Answer #9

Yes, very fair. Same at my daughters school

Answer #10


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