are there more there?...

in my school, there is like NO good guys. there all like into he pretty preppy girls (wich im not), or there total jerks. im going 2 this different school, and I was wondering if there is going 2 b more NEW guys there, who might like me 4 who I am, and not a total jerk. what do you think?

Answer #1

guys dont know at this age dont worry about it I know what yer going through im not the prettiest person in my highschool and everyone liked the popular people

and then I branched out met new guys and now they are maturing or matured a lil more

but really no joke dont worry bout relationships they ALWAYS end bad even if you think you love someone

but have fun and just be with your friends cus when you become in a relationship with someone they try to be with you whenever they can and maybe that might be taking you away from your friends well thats what my boyfriend does or did

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