Are there any elder people on funadvice? Or only teenagers?

I think that nowadays funadvice is filled or overloaded with teenagers like 13 or 14 years old.. So some important questions remain unsatisfied if they are answered by these teenagers.. So I want to know how many elder users are there in funadvice..

Answer #1

Hello you young whipper-snappers, And you have to be old to recognize that. Yes there are older people here. I happen to be a sexagenarian, barely. And also a grandfather. (Hi, Jimmy.) Although a high portion of the questions do come from the younger crowd. In part because we old farts no longer ask questions like ‘Am I fat?’, or ‘What’s so-and-so’s phone number?’, or ‘Why are my Parents so lame?’ [‘Yes’, ‘Who cares’, and ‘Because I said so’] ;) The official advisers do tend to be a bit older than average for this site. Probably a good thing as it keeps them off the streets and out of the traffic.

Take care, and Good Luck!!

Answer #2

So, why is it only old people that ask this question? :)

And bimjob, that was actually the most insightful response I have seeen yet to this question, which we have had at least a few dozen times, or very close variants, thing is that older people answer way more than they ask, so, it’s a bit misleading to judge based on who is asking.

Answer #3

what do you count as ‘old’… adults? there are plenty of them… lol… a lot of advisers are adults. Not so many grannys and grandpas tho =]

Answer #4

There’s a fair few like me. To be honest I’m not sure older people are that much wiser. Either way, after reading this site, I have lost faith in humanity.

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