Are tattoos hot?

hye people, I’ve always wanted a tattoo, I plan on getting one or two. nothing big or ugly, I want some japanese writing and a gecko on my shoulder blade. do you think tattoos make you look cheap, tacky, slutty, or anything bad like that? or do you thinkk they are hot and fun? I don’t know, I just want opinions.

Answer #1

I have one tatoo on my leg and im getting one on my wrist of my son. they make you look cheap and sluty if it is a slutty tat or if its in a place a little personal thta you want others to cee.

Answer #2

I think they make a person look very outgoing and looks like they like to have fun. which is a good thing. but just that you might want to have it were it isnt very noticable for job interviews they look trasty or not very Sophisticated

Answer #3

To me too many tattoos is trashy and big ones are just tacky but if they in the right spots and good art then yes they can be sexy and who cares what you look like whenever you’re 50? You’re old and wrinkly anyways.

Answer #4

No they’re not hot. Like Odal said when you’re old and wrinkly it’ll be a blob or sag when you have kids or fade. Plus they’re just not classy and may put off a prospective employer, unless your a pirate or an aborigine I’d say don’t do it. Some men may find women with tattoo’s attractive but all men find women without them attractive. “If there is anything the nonconformist hates worse than a conformist, it’s another nonconformist who doesn’t conform to the prevailing standard of nonconformity.” Bill Vaughan .

Answer #5

if your afraid of getting one in fear of other people thinking its tacky or slutty or cheap then dont bother. its a permanent thing and there on you for life. if you can handle having something meaningful on you for the rest of your life get it. but dont think of them as an accsessory

Answer #6

I personally don’t like tattoos on people. Just imagine when you’re old and wrinkly and the tattoo ends up just being a blob, if you know what I mean. lol However, if you want to get a tattoo, then you should get one; it’s your body after all.

Answer #7

no way, I think they looks really cool. and/or sexy depending on where they are. the shoulder always looks really cute. definatly go for it! I love your ideas (the writing and gecko)

Answer #8

Tattoos are awesome if you get them for the right meaning. Don’t get a tattoo because you think its “hot”, get one because it means something to you.

Answer #9

I love tattoos specially on guys it looks really hot and I have a tat on my wrist too and I love it I will be getting more but not big huge one thou!!! :)

Answer #10

well… it depends which one you get

Answer #11

Who cares when you get old and wrinkly? You only get to live life once. Do it up!

Answer #12

they are hot I getting one someday there not slutly or anything ok good luck but there painful:);)

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